Date Time Current
1 28.02.2013 23:58:50 NA
2 28.02.2013 23:58:50 0.3
3 28.02.2013 23:58:51 0.3
4 28.02.2013 23:58:51 0.3
5 28.02.2013 23:58:57 0.3
6 28.02.2013 23:58:58 0.3
由于稍后我想将其转换为 xts 对象,因此我将这两列转换为包含日期和时间的 POSIXct 类型之一,代码如下:
bigdata <- ldply (files, read.table,header=TRUE, sep = "\t", dec=".", as.is= 1:2 ) #read the tables keeping the charater format of the first two columns
Time<-chron(bigdata$Date, bigdata$Time, format= c(dates= "d.m.y", times="h:m:s"))
Time2<- as.POSIXct(paste(as.Date(dates(Time)),times(Time)%%1)) #to POSIXct
Time2 中的结果是一个 POSIXct 对象,其中日期和时间在单个列中,并给出了所需的结果:
"2013-02-01 00:02:09 CET" "2013-02-01 00:02:12 CET" "2013-02-01 00:02:13 CET" "2013-02-01 00:02:13 CET" "2013-02-01 00:02:13 CET".....
但是由于一些奇怪的原因,一些数据集与我之前展示的具有相同特征的数据集,我得到的 Time2 的结果结果是:
"2013-02-28 CET" "2013-02-28 CET" "2013-02-28 CET" "2013-02-28 CET" "2013-02-28 CET" "2013-02-28 CET"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -编辑 - - - - - - - - - - - -----------------
我已经在两个对象时间和时间 2 上运行命令 dput。赫拉是结果:
> dput( head( Time2))
structure(c(1362006000, 1362006000, 1362006000, 1362006000, 1362006000,
1362006000), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "")
> dput( head( Time))
structure(c(15764.9991898148, 15764.9991898148, 15764.9992013889,
15764.9992013889, 15764.9992708333, 15764.9992824074), format = structure(c("d.m.y",
"h:m:s"), .Names = c("dates", "times")), origin = structure(c(1,
1, 1970), .Names = c("month", "day", "year")), class = c("chron",
"dates", "times"))