下面给出的是 JSON 响应的类型,

    "@title":"ABC: TEST Most Saved2",
    "@dates":"Week of May 19,2013",
          "#text":"1,820 (0.2%)"
          "#text":"7,838 (0.8%)"
          "#text":"955,774 (100.0%)"

我无法解析对象。请你帮我看看解析后如何读取属性和元素。我正在使用 C#

     XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

     string jsonText = JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(doc);
     //var result = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeXmlNode(jsonText, "xmlreport");
     var results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(jsonText);

     JToken token = JObject.Parse(jsonText);
     var report = token["xmlreport"];

3 回答 3


My understanding of the question is you've got some Xml and you need to send out json. Couple of points before we get to the code:

1) Don't convert xml to json directly as it causes issues

2) Parse the xml to objects at your end and then work out the format to return; decoupling what comes in and goes out will allow for one of the interfaces to change in the future without impacting the other as you can tweak the mapping

So, onto the code ...

Essentially parse the xml to objects to allow for further processing and then push out as json.

class Program
    private static string starting =
        "<xmlreport title=\"ABC: TEST Most Saved2\" dates=\"Week of May 19,2013\"><columns><column name=\"Page\" type=\"dimension\">Page</column><column name=\"Events\" type=\"metric\" hastotals=\"true\">Events</column></columns><rows><row rownum=\"1\"><cell columnname=\"page\" csv=\"http://www.ABC.com/profile/recipebox\">http://www.ABC.com/profile/recipebox</cell><cell columnname=\"events\" percentage=\"0.1%\">489</cell></row><row rownum=\"2\"><cell columnname=\"page\" csv=\"http://www.ABC.com/recipes/peanut-butter-truffle-brownies/c5c602e4-007b-43e0-aaab-2f9aed89524c\">http://www.ABC.com/recipes/peanut-butter-truffle-brownies/c5c602e4-007b-43e0-aaab-2f9aed89524c</cell><cell columnname=\"events\" percentage=\"0.0%\">380</cell></row></rows><totals><pagetotals><total columnname=\"events\" value=\"1820.00000\">1,820 (0.2%)</total></pagetotals><reporttotals><total columnname=\"events\" value=\"7838.000000\">7,838 (0.8%)</total></reporttotals><timeperiodtotals><total columnname=\"events\" value=\"955774.000000\">955,774 (100.0%)</total></timeperiodtotals></totals></xmlreport>";

    static void Main(string[] args)
        // parse from xml to objects
        StringReader reader = new StringReader(starting);
        XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(XmlReport));
        var xmlreport = (XmlReport)xmlSerializer.Deserialize(reader);

        // todo: do some process mapping ...

        // parse out as json
        var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(xmlreport);


[XmlRoot(ElementName = "xmlreport")]
public class XmlReport
    [XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "title")]
    public string Title { get; set; }
    [XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "dates")]
    public string Dates { get; set; }

    [XmlArray(ElementName = "columns")]
    [XmlArrayItem(typeof(Column), ElementName = "column")]
    public Collection<Column> Columns { get; set; }

public class Column
    [XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "name")]
    public string Name { get; set; }
    [XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "type")]
    public string Type { get; set; }

I've tried to parse the json to the original xml to begin with so appologies if I've not interpreted it properly. I've not done the entire structure but I hope the example above gives you an idea of how to do the rest.

Hope this helps.

于 2013-05-31T08:59:39.887 回答

一种方法是获取您拥有的 JSON 对象的实际数据结构。


之后,使用可用的不同库将该 JSON 对象反序列化到您的类中。一个样本可能是这个

于 2013-05-31T06:44:51.500 回答


        public void ParseMePlease()

            string s = @"{""?xml"":{""@version"":""1.0"",""@encoding"":""iso-8859-1""},
                            ""xmlreport"":{""@title"":""ABC: TEST Most Saved2"",""@dates"":""Week of May 19,2013"",
                            ""totals"":{""pagetotals"":{""total"":{""@columnname"":""events"",""@value"":""1820.000000"",""#text"":""1,820 (0.2%)""}},
                            ""reporttotals"":{""total"":{""@columnname"":""events"",""@value"":""7838.000000"",""#text"":""7,838 (0.8%)""}},
                            ""timeperiodtotals"":{""total"":{""@columnname"":""events"",""@value"":""955774.000000"",""#text"":""955,774 (100.0%)""}}}}}";         
            var result=JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<object>(s);

            Debug.WriteLine("Right Click Result on quick watch for Result Views!(On Debug)"+result.ToString() );

            JObject jobject = ((Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject)result);



        public void PrintDetail(JObject node)
            foreach (var item in node)
                Debug.WriteLine("Key:" + item.Key + " Value:" + item.Value);
                if (item.Value is JObject)
于 2013-05-31T07:39:30.267 回答