我正在尝试 Android Studio。安装在 Windows XP 上,尝试构建新项目时出现以下错误。错误消息之一:未找到 SDK 目录。我尝试更改 SDK 的路径,但在配置菜单中找不到该选项。欢迎任何帮助
Failed to import new Gradle project: Could not fetch model of type 'IdeaProject' using Gradle distribution 'http://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-1.6-bin.zip'.
Build file 'L:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\AndroidStudioProjects\Prueba3Project\Prueba3\build.gradle' line: 9
A problem occurred evaluating project ':Prueba3'.
A problem occurred evaluating project ':Prueba3'.
The SDK directory 'L:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Configuración local\Datos de programa\Android\android-studio\sdk' does not exist.