我编写了一些验证代码来验证某些表单条目,我尝试使用 onsubmit 命令调用它们,但是当我使用表单时,似乎只有该行中调用的第一个函数有效,并且一旦成功验证了其余的函数被忽略,表单只是提交?这是我的代码:

function validateFamily()
var family=document.getElementById('family');
if (family.value=="")
     alert("Family name must be filled out");
     return false;
else if (document.getElementById('family').value.length > 35)
        alert("Family name cannot be more than 35 characters");
        return false;

function validateGiven()
var given=document.getElementById('given');
if (given.value=="")
     alert("Given name must be filled out");
     return false;
else if (document.getElementById('given').value.length > 35)
        alert("Given name cannot be more than 35 characters");
        return false;

function validDate()
var chkdate = document.getElementById("dob").value
if(document.getElementById("dob").value == "")
    alert("Please enter Date of Birth")
    return false;
else if(!chkdate.match(/^(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[\- \/.](?:(0[1-9]|1[012])[\- \/.](200)[0-4]{1})$/))
      alert('The entered date is an incorrect format');
     return false;

function validateMaleFemale() 
var radios = document.getElementsByName('malefemale');

for (var i = 0; i < radios.length; i++) 
    if (radios[i].checked) 
    return true;
alert ('You must choose male or female');
return false;

function validateAddress()
var address = document.getElementById('address');
var stringa = document.getElementById('address').value;
if (address.value=="")
     alert("Address must be filled out");
     return false;
else if (document.getElementById('address').value.length > 150)
        alert("Address cannot be more than 150 characters");
        return false;
else if (/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\/]/.test( stringa ) )
        alert("Address can only contain alphanumeric, hypehns(-) and backslash's(/)")
        return false;

function validateParent()
var parent = document.getElementById('parenta');
var stringb = document.getElementById('parenta').value;
if (parent.value=="")
     alert("Parent/Carer name must be filled out");
     return false;
else if (document.getElementById('parenta').value.length > 60)
        alert("Parent/Carer name can not be more than 60 characters");
        return false;
else if (/[^a-zA-Z\-\/]/.test( stringb ) )
        alert("Parent/Carer can only contain alphabetic and hypehns(-)")
        return false;

function validateWork()
var num1 = document.getElementById('workno').value;

if (num1 !== "" && !num1.match(/\(\d{2}\)\d{8}/))
alert('That is not correct telephone number format');
return false;

function validateHome()
var num2 = document.getElementById('homeno').value;

if (num2 !== "" && !num2.match(/\(\d{2}\)\d{8}/))
alert('That is not correct telephone number format');
return false;

function validateMob()
var num3 = document.getElementById('mob').value;

if(num3 == "")
alert('Please enter a mobile number');
return false;
else if (num3 !== "" && !num3.match(/\(\d{3}\)\d{8}/))
alert('That is not correct mobile number format');
return false;

<form name="eoiform" method="POST" action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];?>" id="eoi" onsubmit="return !!(validateFamily() && validDate() && validateAddress() && validateParent() && validateMaleFemale() && validateMob() && validateHome() && validateWork());">



1 回答 1




    function validateFamily()
       var family=document.getElementById('family');
       if (family.value=="")
           alert("Family name must be filled out");
           return false;
       else if (document.getElementById('family').value.length > 35)
           alert("Family name cannot be more than 35 characters");
           return false;
      return true;// Add this to all validate Methods!

在所有 validateXxx() 方法中添加默认返回值。让我知道这个是否奏效。

于 2013-05-30T10:47:55.953 回答