我正在尝试为我的 Grails 应用程序在 Cloudbees 上运行 Jenkins 构建,但是我在运行战争目标时遇到了麻烦。看起来詹金斯找不到 grails 可执行文件。
Started by user xxxx
Building remotely on s-f349965a in workspace /scratch/jenkins/workspace/myApp
Checkout:myApp / /scratch/jenkins/workspace/myApp - hudson.remoting.Channel@b75fe72:s-f349965a
Using strategy: Default
Last Built Revision: Revision 09454e78a993e106a5c2010e836b8d71652b9534 (origin/HEAD, origin/master)
Fetching changes from 1 remote Git repository
Fetching upstream changes from ssh://git@git.cloudbees.com/myCompany/myApp.git
Seen branch in repository origin/HEAD
Seen branch in repository origin/master
Commencing build of Revision 09454e78a993e106a5c2010e836b8d71652b9534 (origin/HEAD, origin/master)
Checking out Revision 09454e78a993e106a5c2010e836b8d71652b9534 (origin/HEAD, origin/master)
Warning : There are multiple branch changesets here
[myApp] $ /scratch/jenkins/workspace/myApp/grailsw upgrade --non-interactive
Downloading http://dist.springframework.org.s3.amazonaws.com/release/GRAILS/grails-2.2.2.zip to /home/jenkins/.grails/wrapper/grails-2.2.2-download.zip...
Extracting /home/jenkins/.grails/wrapper/grails-2.2.2-download.zip to /home/jenkins/.grails/wrapper/2.2.2
| Loading Grails 2.2.2
| Configuring classpath
Cannot find plugin descriptor for path '/scratch/jenkins/workspace/watch-scaffolding'.
| Configuring classpath.
| Environment set to development
| Environment set to development.
| Environment set to development..
| Environment set to development...
| Environment set to development....
| Environment set to development.....
| Resolving plugin hibernate. Please wait...
| Plugin 'hibernate' with version '2.2.2' is already installed
| Resolving plugin tomcat. Please wait...
| Plugin 'tomcat' with version '2.2.2' is already installed
| Please make sure you view the README for important information about changes to your source code.
| Project upgraded
[myApp] $ /scratch/jenkins/workspace/myApp/grailsw war --non-interactive
| Loading Grails 2.2.2
| Configuring classpath
| Configuring classpath.
| Environment set to production
| Environment set to production.
| Environment set to production..
| Environment set to production...
| Environment set to production....
| Environment set to production.....
WAR packaging started on myApp version 0.1 build null
| Packaging Grails application
| Retrieving stats about the application
| Error Error executing script War: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "grails": error=2, No such file or directory (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace)
Build step 'Build With Grails' marked build as failure
[cloudbees-deployer] Skipping deployment as build result is FAILURE
Finished: FAILURE