我正在开发一个 Silverlight 应用程序,它从 WCF 数据服务中提取数据,但是与该服务的通信位于外观后面。我这样做是为了在尚未实现服务器的情况下促进 SL 应用程序的开发,因此 SL 应用程序可以使用 txt 文件中的数据并且不知道其中的区别。


public interface IDataContext
    IEntityQuery<IRootEntity> Roots { get; }
    IEntityQuery<IBranchEntity> Branches{ get; }
    IEntityQuery<ILeafEntity> Leaves { get; }

public interface IEntityQuery<TEntity> : IQueryable<TModel>
    IAsyncResult BeginExecute(AsyncCallback callback, object state);
    IEnumerable<TModel> EndExecute(IAsyncResult asyncResult);
    IEntityQuery<TModel> Where(Expression<Func<TModel, bool>> predicate);

public interface IEntityCollection<TEntity> : INotifyCollectionChanged,
    INotifyPropertyChanged, IQueryable<TModel>


public interface IRootEntity
    int Id { get; set; }
    string Name { get; set; }
    IModelCollection<IBranchEntity> Branches { get; set; }

public interface IBranchEntity
    int Id { get; set; }
    string Name { get; set; }
    IRootEntity Root { get; set; }
    IModelCollection<ILeafEntity> Leaves { get; set; }

public interface ILeafEntity
    int Id { get; set; }
    string Name { get; set; }
    IBranchEntity Branch { get; set; }

// Partially implemented by me and partially by Visual Studio when the Service
// Reference was added.
public partial class Container : IDataContext
    IEntityQuery<IRootEntity> IDataContext.Roots 
            return new ModelQuery<IRootEntity, RootEntity>(this.Roots); 

    IEntityQuery<IBranchEntity> IDataContext.Branches
            return new ModelQuery<IBranchEntity, BranchEntity>(this.Roots); 

    IEntityQuery<ILeafEntity> IDataContext.Leaves
            return new ModelQuery<ILeafEntity, LeafEntity>(this.Leaves); 

public class EntityQuery<TFacade, TConcrete>
    where TConcrete : class, TFacade
    private DataServiceQuery<TConcrete> _dsq;

    public ModelQuery(DataServiceQuery<TConcrete> dsq)
        _dsq = dsq;

    public IAsyncResult BeginExecute(AsyncCallback callback, object state)
        return _dsq.BeginExecute(callback, state);

    public IEnumerable<TFacade> EndExecute(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
        return _dsq.EndExecute(asyncResult).AsEnumerable() as IEnumerable<TFacade>;

    public IModelQuery<TFacade> Where(Expression<Func<TFacade, bool>> predicate)
        Expression<Func<TConcrete, bool>> concretePredicate = Expression.Lambda<Func<TConcrete, bool>>(predicate.Body, predicate.Parameters);
        return new ModelQuery<TFacade, TConcrete>(_dsq.Where(concretePredicate) as DataServiceQuery<TConcrete>);

    // IQueryable implementation ...

public class EntityCollection<TFacade, TConcrete> : IEntityCollection<TFacade>
    where TConcrete : class, TFacade
    public EntityCollection(ObservableCollection<TConcrete> innerCollection)
        this.InnerCollection = innerCollection;
        this.InnerCollection.CollectionChanged += InnerCollection_CollectionChanged;

    internal ObservableCollection<TConcrete> InnerCollection { get; private set; }

    private void InnerCollection_CollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)

    // IQueryable<TFacade> implementation ...

// Partially implemented by me and partially by Visual Studio when the Service
// Reference was added.
public partial class RootEntity : IRootEntity
    IList<IBranchEntity> IRootEntity.Branches
        get { return this.Branches; }
        set { this.Branches = value as IList<IBranchEntity>; }

// Partially implemented by me and partially by Visual Studio when the Service
// Reference was added.
public partial class BranchEntity : IBranchEntity 
    IRootEntity IBranchEntity.Root
        get { return this.Root; }
        set { this.Root = value as RootEntity; }

    IList<ILeafEntity> IBranchEntity.Leaves
        get { return this.Leaves; }
        set { this.Leaves = value as IList<LeafEntity>; }

// Partially implemented by me and partially by Visual Studio when the Service
// Reference was added.
public partial class LeafEntity : ILeafEntity 
    IRootEntity ILeafEntity.Root
        get { return this.Root; }
        set { this.Root = value as RootEntity; }

EntityQueryEntityCollection类成为维护外观抽象所必需的。没有它们,SL 应用程序将不得不知道DataServiceQueryDataServiceCollection.

我遇到的问题是将 SL 应用程序开发人员针对外观编写的 LINQ 查询转换为客户端 WCF 数据服务代理可以转换为 OData URL 的 LINQ 查询。


IEntityQuery<IRootEntity> query = this.Context.Roots
    .Where(r => r.Branches.Any(b=> b.Leaves.Any(l => l.Name == "Find Me")));

IRootEntity result = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => query.BeginExecute(null, null))
    .ContinueWith(t => query.EndExecute(t.Result))

我收到一条NotSupportedException说明“'Any' 方法的源参数必须是导航或集合属性。” 我很确定这是因为Any()正在调用 aModelCollection<T1,T2>而不是DataServiceCollection<T>它的 InnerCollection,但我不知道该怎么做。


1 回答 1


The question is long (good question though) but the answer is short. You can't expose IQueryable and expect that its leaky abstractions won't hurt you.

In the end the interface is backed by DataServiceQuery<T>. There's a long list of LINQ methods that are not supported: LINQ Considerations (WCF Data Services): see Unsupported LINQ Methods. Besides that, DataServiceQuery has instance methods that are useful, but can't be exploited by your interface, like Expand.

I'm afraid this requires a major overhaul of your architecture: expose methods that accept specifications and translate these to supported linq queries behind the façade.

于 2013-05-29T20:04:25.397 回答