想要:求和 x 和求和 x*x。其中 x = 线 [i]。因为不止一个线程想要读/写“sumAll”和“sumAllQ”,我需要锁定它的访问权限。问题是 lock kind off 将这里的东西序列化。我需要将此操作拆分为 #"Environment.ProcessorCount" 循环,每个循环对数组的一部分求和,最后对它们的结果求和。但是我怎样才能以编程方式制作呢?


//line is a float[]
Parallel.For(0, line.Length,
new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount },
i =>
    x = (double)line[i];
    lock (sumLocker)
        sumAll += x;
        sumAllQ += x * x;

编辑 1:Matthew Watson 回答基准测试结果

在家里。CPU Core 2 Quad Q9550 @ 2.83 GHz:

Result via Linq:      SumAll=49999950000, SumAllQ=3,33332833333439E+15
Result via loop:      SumAll=49999950000, SumAllQ=3,33332833333439E+15
Result via partition: SumAll=49999950000, SumAllQ=3,333328333335E+15
Via Linq took: 00:00:02.6983044
Via Loop took: 00:00:00.4811901
Via Partition took: 00:00:00.1595113

在上班。CPU i7 930 2.8 GHz:

Result via Linq:      SumAll=49999950000, SumAllQ=3,33332833333439E+15
Result via loop:      SumAll=49999950000, SumAllQ=3,33332833333439E+15
Result via partition: SumAll=49999950000, SumAllQ=3,333328333335E+15
Via Linq took: 00:00:01.5728736
Via Loop took: 00:00:00.3436929
Via Partition took: 00:00:00.0934209

2 回答 2


vcjones 想知道您是否真的会看到任何加速。那么答案是:这可能取决于你有多少核心。PLinq 比我家用 PC(四核)上的普通循环慢。

我想出了一种替代方法,它使用 aPartitioner将数字列表分成几个部分,以便您可以分别添加每个部分。这里还有一些关于使用分区器的更多信息




Result ViaPartition(double[] numbers)
    var result = new Result();

    var rangePartitioner = Partitioner.Create(0, numbers.Length);

    Parallel.ForEach(rangePartitioner, (range, loopState) =>
        var subtotal = new Result();

        for (int i = range.Item1; i < range.Item2; i++)
            double n = numbers[i];
            subtotal.SumAll  += n;
            subtotal.SumAllQ += n*n;

        lock (result)
            result.SumAll  += subtotal.SumAll;
            result.SumAllQ += subtotal.SumAllQ;

    return result;


Result via Linq:      SumAll=49999950000, SumAllQ=3.33332833333439E+15
Result via loop:      SumAll=49999950000, SumAllQ=3.33332833333439E+15
Result via partition: SumAll=49999950000, SumAllQ=3.333328333335E+15
Via Linq took: 00:00:01.1994524
Via Loop took: 00:00:00.2357107
Via Partition took: 00:00:00.0756707




using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Demo
    public class Result
        public double SumAll;
        public double SumAllQ;

        public override string ToString()
            return string.Format("SumAll={0}, SumAllQ={1}", SumAll, SumAllQ);

    class Program
        void run()
            var numbers = Enumerable.Range(0, 1000000).Select(n => n/10.0).ToArray();

            // Prove that the calculation is correct.
            Console.WriteLine("Result via Linq:      " + ViaLinq(numbers));
            Console.WriteLine("Result via loop:      " + ViaLoop(numbers));
            Console.WriteLine("Result via partition: " + ViaPartition(numbers));

            int count = 100;

            TimeViaLinq(numbers, count);
            TimeViaLoop(numbers, count);
            TimeViaPartition(numbers, count);

        void TimeViaLinq(double[] numbers, int count)
            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)

            Console.WriteLine("Via Linq took: " + sw.Elapsed);

        void TimeViaLoop(double[] numbers, int count)
            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)

            Console.WriteLine("Via Loop took: " + sw.Elapsed);

        void TimeViaPartition(double[] numbers, int count)
            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)

            Console.WriteLine("Via Partition took: " + sw.Elapsed);

        Result ViaLinq(double[] numbers)
            return numbers.AsParallel().Aggregate(new Result(), (input, value) => new Result
                SumAll  = input.SumAll+value,
                SumAllQ = input.SumAllQ+value*value

        Result ViaLoop(double[] numbers)
            var result = new Result();

            for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; ++i)
                double n = numbers[i];
                result.SumAll  += n;
                result.SumAllQ += n*n;

            return result;

        Result ViaPartition(double[] numbers)
            var result = new Result();

            var rangePartitioner = Partitioner.Create(0, numbers.Length);

            Parallel.ForEach(rangePartitioner, (range, loopState) =>
                var subtotal = new Result();

                for (int i = range.Item1; i < range.Item2; i++)
                    double n = numbers[i];
                    subtotal.SumAll  += n;
                    subtotal.SumAllQ += n*n;

                lock (result)
                    result.SumAll  += subtotal.SumAll;
                    result.SumAllQ += subtotal.SumAllQ;

            return result;

        static void Main()
            new Program().run();
于 2013-05-29T19:24:46.327 回答


using System.Linq;

//A class to hold the results.
//This can be improved by making it immutable and using a constructor.
public class Result
    public double SumAll { get; set; }
    public double SumAllQ { get; set; }

您可以像这样使用 LINQ:

var result = line.AsParallel().Aggregate(new Result(), (input, value) => new Result {SumAll = input.SumAll+value, SumAllQ = input.SumAllQ+value*value});


var pline = line.AsParallel().WithDegreeOfParallelism(Environment.ProcessorCount);
var result = new Result { SumAll = pline.Sum(), SumAllQ = pline.Sum(x => x * x) };

AsParallel不能让您直接指定选项,但您可以使用.WithDegreeOfParallelism(), .WithExecutionMode(), 或.WithMergeOptions()给您更多控制权。您甚至可能不得不使用WithDegreeOfParallelism它来运行多个线程。

于 2013-05-29T19:04:09.573 回答