I use DbUnit to load data into a DB for some integration tests. The data is specified in a flat XML file like so:

<user id="2" name="bob" type="user">
<user id="1" name="john" type="admin">

However in the case of one table, the rows I wish to insert are based on rows already inserted into other tables. The most convenient way for me to achieve this would be by running an insert-select statement, rather than specifying the rows via XML as above. Does DbUnit support loading data via a mixture of insert-select statements and XML in this fashion?

Thanks, Don


1 回答 1


我用 DbUnit 尝试了很多不同的配置,但它们都基于纯 XML 文件。我没有看到将它们与 SELECT 语句混合的选项,我真的认为这个选项不存在。

于 2009-11-05T15:55:08.450 回答