1.- 创建一个实现 MessageBodyWriter(或 MessageBodyReader)的类,负责写入/读取响应
public class MyResponseTypeMapper
implements MessageBodyWriter<MyResponseObjectType> {
public boolean isWriteable(final Class<?> type,final Type genericType,
final Annotation[] annotations,
final MediaType mediaType) {
... use one of the arguments (either the type, an annotation or the MediaType)
to guess if the object shoud be written with this class
public long getSize(final MyResponseObjectType myObjectTypeInstance,
final Class<?> type,final Type genericType,
final Annotation[] annotations,
final MediaType mediaType) {
// return the exact response length if you know it... -1 otherwise
return -1;
public void writeTo(final MyResponseObjectType myObjectTypeInstance,
final Class<?> type,final Type genericType,
final Annotation[] annotations,
final MediaType mediaType,
final MultivaluedMap<String,Object> httpHeaders,
final OutputStream entityStream) throws IOException, WebApplicationException {
... serialize / marshall the MyResponseObjectType instance using
whatever you like (jaxb, etC)
2.- 在您的应用中注册映射器
public class MyRESTApp
extends Application {
public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
Set<Class<?>> s = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
return s;
Jersey 将扫描所有已注册的调用其 isWriteable() 方法的映射器,直到一个返回 true...如果是这样,此 MessageBodyWriter 实例将用于将内容序列化到客户端