我有以下问题:我有我的鼠标坐标,我有一个模型(数据点),我想要鼠标坐标的 3d 坐标和这个坐标的lookAt Vector,这样我就可以用对象进行光线投射,所以我可以看到数据点的 3d 值。所以我想用鼠标点击,然后我想查看我点击的数据点的坐标。
我从教程中获得了以下内容,但它不起作用。光线原点和光线方向不正确(我在光线方向上从光线原点绘制 I 线,并且光线原点不正确:有人可以帮我吗?这是代码:
// Move the mouse cursor coordinates into the -1 to +1 range.
pointX = ((2.0f * (float)mouseX) / (float) screen_width) - 1.0f;
pointY = (((2.0f * (float)mouseY) / (float) screen_height) - 1.0f) * -1.0f;
pointX = pointX / projectionMatrix._11;
pointY = pointY / projectionMatrix._22;
// Get the inverse of the view matrix.
D3DXMatrixInverse(&inverseViewMatrix, NULL, &viewMatrix);
// Calculate the direction of the picking ray in view space.
direction.x = (pointX * inverseViewMatrix._11) + (pointY * inverseViewMatrix._21)+
direction.y = (pointX * inverseViewMatrix._12) + (pointY * inverseViewMatrix._22)
+ inverseViewMatrix._32;
direction.z = (pointX * inverseViewMatrix._13) + (pointY * inverseViewMatrix._23)
+ inverseViewMatrix._33;
// Get the origin of the picking ray which is the position of the camera.
origin = m_Camera->GetPosition();
// Get the world matrix and translate to the location of the sphere.
//D3DXMatrixTranslation(&translateMatrix, -5.0f, 1.0f, 5.0f);
//D3DXMatrixMultiply(&worldMatrix, &worldMatrix, &translateMatrix);
// Now get the inverse of the translated world matrix.
D3DXMatrixInverse(&inverseWorldMatrix, NULL, &worldMatrix);
D3DXVec3TransformCoord(&rayOrigin, &origin, &inverseWorldMatrix);
D3DXVec3TransformNormal(&rayDirection, &direction, &inverseWorldMatrix);
// Normalize the ray direction.
D3DXVec3Normalize(&rayDirection, &rayDirection);
float collision_point[3];
//bool collision_result = collision_object ->rayCollision(rayOrigin,
rayDirection, true);
bool collision_result = collision_model ->rayCollision(rayOrigin,
rayDirection, true);
if(collision_result == true)
intersect = true;
//collision_object->getCollisionPoint(collision_point, true);
collision_model->getCollisionPoint(collision_point, false);
*coordX = collision_point[0];
*coordY = collision_point[1];
*coordZ = collision_point[2];