I'm using TypeScript to create some classes with KnockoutJS, with the data being loaded from some JSON returned by WebAPI.
The problem is I wanted to copy the JSON values into my TypeScript class from the constructor: but if I do this just at the base class, the inherited properties have not been defined and so are not initialised.
We want to create an inventory item from a JSON response:
{ Name: "Test", Quantity:1, Price: 100 }
I have a base class Product and an inherited class Inventory:
export class Product {
Name = ko.observable("");
constructor(source) {
// a utility that copies properties into this instance
export class Inventory extends Product {
Quantity = ko.observable(0);
Price = ko.observable(0);
constructor(source) {
super(source); // call base c'tor
// the quantity and price properties are only now defined
The properties for Inventory are only created in the JS output code after the super constructor call, so do not exist when the Product constructor is executed.
The only solution I can see is to take the initialising value out of the constructor, but I don't really like this approach, although I suspect it's the only option.
var inventoryItem = new Inventory();