I have downloaded the latest version of SQLServer CE 4.0 and am trying to install it. After downloading and saving it to my local machine I double-click on the EXE. Then it presents me with the "Do You Want to Run This File" dialog box to which I, of course, answer "yes".

That's it ... nothing else. I open up Task Manager to see if it is busy and I locate the "Image Name" - SSCERRuntime_x64ENU.exe*32 - and it's not doing anything. It is occupying a little memory (between 800K - 1400K) and is not using the CPU at all ... at all?

I have no idea why this would be happening and have run out of ideas. I ultimately kill the process and be on my way but I NEED SQL-CE 4.0 installed.

I am willing to try anything (within reason of course ;))

Running Windows 7 Enterprise x64.

Thanks, G


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