


2)我的另一个想法是扩展MapView覆盖dispatchTouchEvent.. 创建一个 GestureDetector 来响应 longpress 回调。但是我被困在这里,因为我无法处理我的子类 Mapview。IE

MyMapview mymapview; //MyMapView extends MapView

//results in a classcast exception
mymapView = (MyMapView) findViewById(R.id.map);

3)我知道如何尝试的唯一另一种方法是:检测一个MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN并将延迟的可运行文件发布到处理程序,并在其他两个事件:acton_move 或 action_up 没有发生时检测 longpress。



8 回答 8


我找到了一个更简单的方法。只需将叠加层作为列表中不绘制任何内容的第一个叠加层,并使用 GestureDetector 使用它来识别手势。如果它处理了事件,那么它应该返回 true,这样它就不会被传播。

    List<Overlay> overlays = mapView.getOverlays();
    overlays.add(new MapGestureDetectorOverlay(new MyOnGestureListener()));


public class MapGestureDetectorOverlay extends Overlay implements OnGestureListener {
 private GestureDetector gestureDetector;
 private OnGestureListener onGestureListener;

 public MapGestureDetectorOverlay() {
  gestureDetector = new GestureDetector(this);

 public MapGestureDetectorOverlay(OnGestureListener onGestureListener) {

 public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event, MapView mapView) {
  if (gestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event)) {
   return true;
  return false;

 public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) {
  if (onGestureListener != null) {
   return onGestureListener.onDown(e);
  return false;

 public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX,
   float velocityY) {
  if (onGestureListener != null) {
   return onGestureListener.onFling(e1, e2, velocityX, velocityY);
  return false;

 public void onLongPress(MotionEvent e) {
  if (onGestureListener != null) {

 public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceX,
   float distanceY) {
  if (onGestureListener != null) {
   onGestureListener.onScroll(e1, e2, distanceX, distanceY);
  return false;

 public void onShowPress(MotionEvent e) {
  if (onGestureListener != null) {

 public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e) {
  if (onGestureListener != null) {
  return false;

 public boolean isLongpressEnabled() {
  return gestureDetector.isLongpressEnabled();

 public void setIsLongpressEnabled(boolean isLongpressEnabled) {

 public OnGestureListener getOnGestureListener() {
  return onGestureListener;

 public void setOnGestureListener(OnGestureListener onGestureListener) {
  this.onGestureListener = onGestureListener;
于 2010-06-07T15:23:26.623 回答


public void onLongPress(MotionEvent e, ManagedOverlay overlay)
于 2009-11-05T15:00:52.953 回答



于 2011-10-29T11:32:15.243 回答

这适用于您的 MapActivity,并允许您:

  1. 为在地图上长按的时间设置自己的时间阈值(0.8 秒对我有好处)。
  2. 不要将滚动、多点触控或非多点触控事件解释为长按。它还可以让您为某人的手指设置一个容差,以便在他们按住长按时在屏幕上如此轻微地移动。

此解决方案基于Roger Kristiansen 的解决方案。我添加了 x 和 y 点检测,因此滚动不会被视为长按。这个解决方案不像 Roger 的那样优雅,因为我使用类变量并将代码放在我现有的 MapActivity 中,而不是像他那样扩展 MapView 并创建一个侦听器。但是,如果您想坚持使用他的代码但有更好的非多点触控支持,只需将 x 和 y 点从我的代码中取出并将其添加到他的代码中。

在我的 MapActivity 顶部设置的类变量:

//variable for determining long press and then automatically adding a pin to the map
private int minMillisecondThresholdForLongClick = 800;
private long startTimeForLongClick = 0;
private float xScreenCoordinateForLongClick;
private float yScreenCoordinateForLongClick;
private float xtolerance=10;//x pixels that your finger can be off but still constitute a long press
private float ytolerance=10;//y pixels that your finger can be off but still constitute a long press
private float xlow; //actual screen coordinate when you subtract the tolerance
private float xhigh; //actual screen coordinate when you add the tolerance
private float ylow; //actual screen coordinate when you subtract the tolerance
private float yhigh; //actual screen coordinate when you add the tolerance

在您的 MapActivity 中添加此功能:

    public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
        /* We want to capture the place the user long pressed on the map and add a marker (pin) on the map at that lat/long.
         * This solution:
         *  1. Allows you to set the time threshold for what constitutes a long press
         *  2. Doesn't get fooled by scrolling, multi-touch, or non-multi-touch events

         * Thank you Roger Kind Kristiansen for the main idea

        //get the action from the MotionEvent: down, move, or up
        int actionType = ev.getAction();

        if (actionType == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
            //user pressed the button down so let's initialize the main variables that we care about:
            // later on when the "Action Up" event fires, the "DownTime" should match the "startTimeForLongClick" that we set here  
            // the coordinate on the screen should not change much during the long press

        } else if (actionType == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
            //For non-long press actions, the move action can happen a lot between ACTION_DOWN and ACTION_UP                    
            if (ev.getPointerCount()>1) {
                //easiest way to detect a multi-touch even is if the pointer count is greater than 1
                //next thing to look at is if the x and y coordinates of the person's finger change.
                startTimeForLongClick=0; //instead of a timer, just reset this class variable and in our ACTION_UP event, the DownTime value will not match and so we can reset.                        
            } else {
                //I know that I am getting to the same action as above, startTimeForLongClick=0, but I want the processor
                //to quickly skip over this step if it detects the pointer count > 1 above
                float xmove = ev.getX(); //where is their finger now?                   
                float ymove = ev.getY();
                //these next four values allow you set a tiny box around their finger in case
                //they don't perfectly keep their finger still on a long click.
                xlow = xScreenCoordinateForLongClick - xtolerance;
                xhigh= xScreenCoordinateForLongClick + xtolerance;
                ylow = yScreenCoordinateForLongClick - ytolerance;
                yhigh= yScreenCoordinateForLongClick + ytolerance;
                if ((xmove<xlow || xmove> xhigh) || (ymove<ylow || ymove> yhigh)){
                    //out of the range of an acceptable long press, reset the whole process

        } else if (actionType == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
            //determine if this was a long click:
            long eventTime = ev.getEventTime();
            long downTime = ev.getDownTime(); //this value will match the startTimeForLongClick variable as long as we didn't reset the startTimeForLongClick variable because we detected nonsense that invalidated a long press in the ACTION_MOVE block

            //make sure the start time for the original "down event" is the same as this event's "downTime"
            if (startTimeForLongClick==downTime){ 
                //see if the event time minus the start time is within the threshold
                if ((eventTime-startTimeForLongClick)>minMillisecondThresholdForLongClick){ 
                    //make sure we are at the same spot where we started the long click
                    float xup = ev.getX();                  
                    float yup = ev.getY();
                    //I don't want the overhead of a function call:
                    xlow = xScreenCoordinateForLongClick - xtolerance;
                    xhigh= xScreenCoordinateForLongClick + xtolerance;
                    ylow = yScreenCoordinateForLongClick - ytolerance;
                    yhigh= yScreenCoordinateForLongClick + ytolerance;
                    if ((xup>xlow && xup<xhigh) && (yup>ylow && yup<yhigh)){ 

                        //**** safe to process your code for an actual long press **** 
                        //comment out these next rows after you confirm in logcat that the long press works
                        long totaltime=eventTime-startTimeForLongClick;
                        String strtotaltime=Long.toString(totaltime);                               
                        Log.d("long press detected: ", strtotaltime);

                        //Now get the latitude/longitude of where you clicked.  Replace all the code below if you already know how to translate a screen coordinate to lat/long.  I know it works though.

                        //I have my map under a tab so I have to account for the tab height and the notification bar at the top of the phone.  
                        // Maybe there are other ways so just ignore this if you already know how to get the lat/long of the pixels that were pressed.
                        int TabHeightAdjustmentPixels=tabHost.getTabWidget().getChildAt(0).getLayoutParams().height;
                        int EntireTabViewHeight = tabHost.getHeight();
                        Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); 
                        int EntireScreenHeight = display.getHeight();
                        int NotificationBarHeight=EntireScreenHeight-EntireTabViewHeight;
                        //the projection is mapping pixels to where you touch on the screen.
                        Projection proj = mapView.getProjection();
                        GeoPoint loc = proj.fromPixels((int)(ev.getX(ev.getPointerCount()-1)), (int)(ev.getY(ev.getPointerCount()-1)-TabHeightAdjustmentPixels-NotificationBarHeight)); 
                        int longitude=loc.getLongitudeE6();             
                        int latitude=loc.getLatitudeE6();

                        //**** here's where you add code to: 
                        // put a marker on the map, save the point to your SQLite database, etc



        return super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev);
于 2012-02-21T05:56:11.517 回答

这个 mapview-overlay-manager 库非常棒。'滚动'时触发 onLongPress 的原因是因为库没有考虑多点触控。如果涉及多个指针,您可以通过拒绝 onLongPress 来解决此问题:

public void onLongPress(MotionEvent motionEvent, ManagedOverlay arg1) {

    if (motionEvent.getPointerCount() > 1) return;

    ... your logic here ...
于 2011-05-05T00:17:41.890 回答



package de.android1.overlaymanager.demo;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.Toast;
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import com.google.android.maps.MapActivity;

import com.google.android.maps.MapView;
import com.google.android.maps.MapController;
import com.google.android.maps.GeoPoint;

import de.android1.overlaymanager.*;

public class DemoView extends MapActivity {

    MapView mapView;
    MapController mapController;

    OverlayManager overlayManager;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        mapView = (MapView) findViewById(R.id.mapview);
        mapController = mapView.getController();

        overlayManager = new OverlayManager(getApplication(), mapView);

    public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean b) {



    public void createOverlayWithListener() {
        //This time we use our own marker
        final ManagedOverlay managedOverlay = overlayManager.createOverlay("listenerOverlay", getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.marker));
        for (int i = 0; i < 40; i = i + 3) {
            managedOverlay.createItem(GeoHelper.geopoint[i], "Item" + i);
        managedOverlay.setOnOverlayGestureListener(new ManagedOverlayGestureDetector.OnOverlayGestureListener() {

            public boolean onZoom(ZoomEvent zoom, ManagedOverlay overlay) {
                return false;

            public boolean onDoubleTap(MotionEvent e, ManagedOverlay overlay, GeoPoint point, ManagedOverlayItem item) {
                Drawable defaultmarker = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.marker);     

                ManagedOverlay managedOverlay = overlayManager.createOverlay(defaultmarker);

                //creating some marker:

                //registers the ManagedOverlayer to the MapView
                Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "You created a Marker!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

                return true;

            public void onLongPress(MotionEvent arg0, ManagedOverlay arg1) {
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub


            public void onLongPressFinished(MotionEvent arg0,
                    ManagedOverlay arg1, GeoPoint arg2, ManagedOverlayItem arg3) {
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub


            public boolean onScrolled(MotionEvent arg0, MotionEvent arg1,
                    float arg2, float arg3, ManagedOverlay arg4) {
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                return false;

            public boolean onSingleTap(MotionEvent arg0, ManagedOverlay arg1,
                    GeoPoint arg2, ManagedOverlayItem arg3) {
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                return false;

    protected boolean isRouteDisplayed() {
        return false;


于 2010-12-17T05:50:41.563 回答

如果您将延迟的帖子/消息发送到处理程序(我自己使用的解决方案),那么测试地图是否已移动(即 if mapView.getMapCenter()mapView.getLatitudeSpan()mapView.getLongitudeSpan()返回与指针下降时相同的内容会很有用。

于 2012-08-14T21:16:26.360 回答

当我尝试使用 MyMapView 时,我也遇到了 ClassCastException。作为一种解决方法,我创建了一个 MyMapView 对象而不是 MapView 对象,并以编程方式将其添加到布局中,效果很好。

    MyMapView mapView = new MyMapView(this, this.getString(R.string.APIMapKey));
    FrameLayout item = (FrameLayout) findViewById(R.id.getlocationmap);
于 2012-07-29T02:22:00.880 回答