I'm using DateTime to create Date objects and sending them to UI as JSON. How can I use that in JavaScript (Angular JS) and convert it back and forth.

Example: If I want to get the user update the time, I should be able to get the Date/Time from a form submission and send it back to the Server in json.

Here is my current DateTime json output that the client recives

"date": {
                "year": 2013,
                "era": 1,
                "dayOfMonth": 3,
                "dayOfWeek": 7,
                "dayOfYear": 34,
                "millisOfDay": 3660000,
                "centuryOfEra": 20,
                "yearOfCentury": 13,
                "monthOfYear": 2,
                "weekOfWeekyear": 5,
                "millisOfSecond": 0,
                "hourOfDay": 1,
                "yearOfEra": 2013,
                "weekyear": 2013,
                "secondOfMinute": 0,
                "secondOfDay": 3660,
                "minuteOfHour": 1,
                "minuteOfDay": 61,
                "zone": {
                    "fixed": true,
                    "id": "UTC"
                "millis": 1359853260000,
                "chronology": {
                    "zone": {
                        "fixed": true,
                        "id": "UTC"
                "beforeNow": true,
                "afterNow": false,
                "equalNow": false

2 回答 2


我会接受评论者的问题并将其改写为答案。确保您的服务器以更简化的视图输出日期/时间,例如时间戳,仅以毫秒为单位,并假设 UTC 或也发送它。鉴于您上面的当前消息,我已经解决了它,但这确实是一种浪费,消息应该更简单。

新日期(date.millis);给你一个 javascript 对象,其时间和日期为 Sat Feb 02 2013 19:01:00 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)


其他帖子处理 UTC 问题 new Date().setUTCSeconds(date.millis); 使用 javascript 将 UTC 纪元转换为本地日期

于 2013-05-27T17:07:43.330 回答

我强烈建议您使用ISO 8601。它包括日期和时间(根据时间戳),还包括时区,以便您拥有所需的附加信息,以便为提交它的用户以正确的格式存储和显示它。如果您的用户位于多个时区,这是非常有用的信息。

于 2013-05-29T18:11:25.953 回答