I'm new to OTRS and I have to add an HTML checkbox with some text in the ticket submit page. Essentially, I need the user to accept a privacy statement (clicking on the checkbox) before he submits a new ticket. Hence, the submit button has to be enabled only after the user clicks on the checkbox. How can I do this?

I know HTML, but I don't know OTRS architecture so I can't figure out how can I modify HTML pages.

In Kernel->Output->HTML->Standard I've founded HTML templates (*.dtl), but:

  1. I don't know which elements are part of ticket submitting page;
  2. I don't know if I need to modify an existing template, adding HTML, or to create a new template (in this second case I think I should modify some perl module that call the layout, but which one!?!)
  3. I'm trying to open .dtl files to understand which I've to modify, but Firefox can't render them correctly; how can I open them?

1 回答 1



您可以简单地转到 Admin > SysConfig > Framework > Frontend::Customer 并激活CustomerPanelPreApplicationModule###CustomerAccept模块,以及 InfoKey 和 InfoFile 值。当客户登录时,InfoFile 中的文本会显示并且客户需要接受这一点。接受后,InfoKey 存储在用户首选项中。这样系统就不会再费心向客户请求许可,如果您可能更改策略,您也可以更改密钥,并在需要时显示消息。

关于 .dtl 文件的问题:这些是纯 HTML 文件,但不同的块由位于 Kernel/Modules 下的文件呈现。

如果您想修改用于提交新工单的页面,就是这个文件: CustomerTicketMessage.dtl。您可以使用任何文本编辑器编辑这些文件。

于 2013-05-28T07:49:04.937 回答