i installed openRTSP on UBUNTU and try to call url rtsp://simplelive.nexg.tv:554/starplus_mpeg.sdp using the command

openRTSP rtsp://simplelive.nexg.tv:554/starplus_mpeg.sdp 

i am getting the error

Failed to get a SDP description for the URL "rtsp://simplelive.nexg.tv:554/starjalsha_mpeg.sdp": Failed to find network address for "simplelive.nexg.tv"

i want to get description of the screen can anyone please suggest why i am getting this error and how to resolve it ??


1 回答 1


错误消息听起来像是 openRTSP 找不到主机 simplelive.nexg.tv。在终端窗口中尝试:ping simplelive.nexg.tv

如果 ping 无法解析名称或您的主机无法访问,则说明您遇到了与 openRTSP 无关的网络问题。

我会搜索 UBUNTU 基本网络故障排除 -


于 2013-05-28T20:33:15.367 回答