我有一个 Ruby 应用程序,它在命令行上执行多个用户输入步骤,即:
Please select a client number: 1
Thank you for selecting 1. Please select a portfolio number: 3.
You are in portfolio 3. Please select a stock option: AAPL.
You have chosen AAPL. What would you like to do with it? b
How many shares would you like to buy? 5
You have purchased 5 shares of Apple stock. What would you like to do next?
不是那么荒谬,但你明白了。我希望能够测试我的基本“用户界面”,而不必每次都为每个角落案例进行检查。有没有一种工具,一种用于命令行的 Selenium,可以实现这一点?