I have 2 FBLoginView in 2 differents UIViewController : StartViewController and ProfilViewController.
When I login in the StartViewController, only the delegate method loginViewShowingLoggedInUser
in this controller is called. So it's ok
But when i don't login in the StartView, and i login later in the ProfilView, both method loginViewShowingLoggedInUser
are called : the one in StartViewController and the other one in ProfilViewController
In StartViewController :
- (void) loginViewShowingLoggedInUser:(FBLoginView *)loginView
In ProfilViewController :
- (void) loginViewShowingLoggedInUser:(FBLoginView *)loginView
And when i loggin in ProfilViewController both methods are called and i have in console : start profile
How can i just called the method in the controller where i login and not in the others?
Thx a lot.