我想弄清楚如何在 python 中模拟控制系统。这是我到目前为止所拥有的:
PID.py - 设置 Kp、Ki、Kd 的函数,以及基于错误生成输出的函数。前任。PID.genout(错误)
PIDPlot.py - 根据步进输入绘制输出。这是代码示例:
for i in range(1, 51):
# summing node
err = sp - fb
# PID block
outv = pid.GenOut(err)
# control feedback
if sp > 0:
fb += (outv - (1.0/i))
# start with sp = 0, simulate a step input at t(10)
if i > 5:
sp = 10
# add sp and outv to there lists
sample_list.append(i * .05)
我想更改控制反馈的部分,以便更紧密地模拟我的系统(工厂),但这就是我卡住的地方。我通过应用一个步骤并记录输出并绘制它来确定系统(工厂)的传递函数。根据曲线、直流增益和时间常数,我得出了 0.92/16s +1 的传递函数。当我像这样在 Python 中绘制阶跃响应时:
from numpy import min, max
from scipy import linspace
from scipy.signal import lti, step
# making transfer function
# example from Ogata Modern Control Engineering
# 4th edition, International Edition page 307
# num and den, can be list or numpy array type
num = [-0.93]
#denominator of the form s^2 + s +1
den = [16, 1]
tf = lti(num, den)
# get t = time, s = unit-step response
t, s = step(tf)
# recalculate t and s to get smooth plot
t, s = step(tf, T = linspace(min(t), t[-1], 500))
# get i = impulse
#t, i = impulse(tf, T = linspace(min(t), t[-1], 500))
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
#plt.plot(t, s, t, i)
plt.plot(t, s)
plt.title('Transient-Response Analysis')
plt.hlines(1, min(t), max(t), colors='r')
plt.hlines(0, min(t), max(t))
plt.legend(('Unit-Step Response',), loc=0)
它与我绘制的数据很好地匹配。现在如何使用此传递函数在 PIDPlot 中生成反馈?然后从那里我可以尝试编写代码来根据系统(工厂)自动调整 pid。