
x = read.table(text = "
  yr1  yr2  yr3  yr4
   10   15    6    8
   10   20   30   NA
   NA    5    2    3
  100  100   NA   NA", 
sep = "", header = TRUE)

weights = read.table(text = "
  yr1  yr2  yr3  yr4
    2    4    1    3
    2    2    4    2
    3    2    2    3
    4    2    2    4", 
sep = "", header = TRUE)

yr1yr2是一对,列yr3yr4是另一对。使用我的实际数据,列上升到yr10050 对列。


(5 / 2) * 3

同样对于yr3or yr4

(30 / 4) * 2

其中 5(或 30)是列中x对于给定元素对没有缺失的元素。第一个示例的值 2 和 3(以及第二个示例中的值 4 和 2)是weights数据帧中给定元素对的数据帧中的对应元素x。如果一对中的两个元素都丢失了,x我想让它们丢失。

这是R使用嵌套执行上述操作的代码for loops。但是,我的实际数据集中有 2000 或 3000 行,并且嵌套for loops现在已经运行了超过 10 个小时。

for(i in 1: (ncol(x)/2)) {
  for(j in 1: nrow(x)) {

    if( is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2)]) & !is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)])) x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 0)] =  (x[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2 + 1))] / weights[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2 + 1))]) * weights[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 0)]
    if(!is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2)]) &  is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)])) x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)] =  (x[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2 + 0))] / weights[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2 + 0))]) * weights[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)] 
    if( is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2)]) &  is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)])) x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 0)] =  NA 
    if( is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2)]) &  is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)])) x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)] =  NA



但是,我还提出了以下替代解决方案,它使用reshape而不是嵌套for loops

n.years <- 4

x2  <- reshape(x      , direction="long", varying = list(seq(1,(n.years-1),2), seq(2,n.years,2)), v.names = c("yr1", "yr2"), times = c("t1", "t2"))
wt2 <- reshape(weights, direction="long", varying = list(seq(1,(n.years-1),2), seq(2,n.years,2)), v.names = c("yr1", "yr2"), times = c("t1", "t2"))

x2$yr1  <- ifelse(is.na(x2$yr1), (x2$yr2 / wt2$yr2) * wt2$yr1, x2$yr1)
x2$yr2  <- ifelse(is.na(x2$yr2), (x2$yr1 / wt2$yr1) * wt2$yr2, x2$yr2)

x3  <- reshape(x2, direction="wide", varying = list(seq(1,3,2), seq(2,4,2)), v.names = c("yr1", "yr2"), times = c("t1", "t2"))

在我关闭当前的 R 会话并尝试上述方法之一之前,请提出可能更有效的替代方案。我已经使用microbenchmark了一点,但还没有尝试在这里这样做,部分原因是为每个可能的解决方案编写一个函数对我来说有点吓人。我还尝试使用apply函数系列提出解决方案,但无法提出解决方案。




我努力坚持使用 base R,但会考虑使用其他选项来获得所需的输出。感谢您的任何建议。


2 回答 2



请注意,我没有使用您的替换函数,因为我发现它有点令人困惑,因此您必须修复如何用公式替换 yr1 和 yr2 变量。reshape此外,如果您需要能够将结果附加到原始数据框,您可能会想要结果。

newx <- 
reshape(x, direction="long",varying=list(1:50*2-1,1:50*2), v.names=c("v1","v2"))

newwt <- 
reshape(weights, direction="long",varying=list(1:50*2-1,1:50*2), v.names=c("w1","w2"))

condwtmean <- function(x,y,wtx,wty){
            x <- y # replacement function
            y <- x # replacement function
    else if(!is.na(x) & !is.na(y))
newx$wtmean <- mapply(condwtmean, newx$v1, newx$v2, newwt$w1, newwt$w2)
于 2013-05-24T10:12:08.527 回答

托马斯的回答比我尝试的三种方法中的任何一种都要好得多。在这里,我将这四种方法与microbenchmark. 我还没有用实际数据尝试过托马斯的答案。我原来的嵌套 for 循环方法在 22 小时后仍在运行。

Unit: milliseconds
             expr       min        lq   median       uq      max neval
 fn.1(x, weights)  98.69133  99.47574 100.5313 101.7315 108.8757    20
 fn.2(x, weights) 755.51583 758.12175 762.3775 776.0558 801.9615    20
 fn.3(x, weights) 564.21423 567.98822 568.5322 571.0975 575.1809    20
 fn.4(x, weights) 367.05862 370.52657 371.7439 373.7367 395.0423    20


# create data


n.rows <- 40
n.cols <- 40
n.sample <- n.rows * n.cols

x <- sample(20, n.sample, replace=TRUE)
x.NA <- sample(n.rows*n.cols, 10*(n.sample / n.rows), replace=FALSE)
x[x.NA] <- NA
x <- as.data.frame(matrix(x, nrow = n.rows))

weights <- sample(4, n.sample, replace=TRUE)
weights <- as.data.frame(matrix(weights, nrow = n.rows))


# Thomas's function

fn.1 <- function(x, weights){

newx <- reshape(x, direction="long", varying = list(seq(1,(n.cols-1),2), seq(2,n.cols,2)), v.names=c("v1", "v2"))

newwt <- reshape(weights, direction="long", varying = list(seq(1,(n.cols-1),2), seq(2,n.cols,2)), v.names=c("w1", "w2"))

condwtmean <- function(x,y,wtx,wty){
            x <- (y / wty) * wtx # replacement function
            y <- (x / wtx) * wty # replacement function
    else if(!is.na(x) & !is.na(y))

newx$wtmean <- mapply(condwtmean, newx$v1, newx$v2, newwt$w1, newwt$w2)

newx2 <- reshape(newx[,c(1,4:5)], v.names = "wtmean", timevar = "time", direction = "wide")

newx2 <- newx2[,2:(n.cols/2+1)]
names(newx2) <- paste('X', 1:(n.cols/2), sep = "")



fn.1.output <- fn.1(x, weights)


# nested for-loops with 4 if statements

fn.2 <- function(x, weights){

for(i in 1: (ncol(x)/2)) {
  for(j in 1: nrow(x)) {

    if( is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2)]) & !is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)])) x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 0)] =  (x[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2 + 1))] / weights[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2 + 1))]) * weights[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 0)]
    if(!is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2)]) &  is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)])) x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)] =  (x[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2 + 0))] / weights[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2 + 0))]) * weights[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)] 
    if( is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2)]) &  is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)])) x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 0)] =  NA 
    if( is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2)]) &  is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)])) x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)] =  NA


x.weights = x * weights

numerator <- sapply(seq(1,ncol(x.weights),2), function(i) {
  apply(x.weights[,c(i, i+1)], 1, sum, na.rm=T)

denominator <- sapply(seq(1,ncol(weights),2), function(i) {
  apply(weights[,c(i, i+1)], 1, sum, na.rm=T)

weighted.x <- numerator/denominator

for(i in 1: (ncol(x)/2)) {
  for(j in 1:   nrow(x)      ) {

    if( is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2)]) & !is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)])) weighted.x[j,i] =  sum(c(x[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2))], x[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2 + 1))]), na.rm = TRUE) 
    if(!is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2)]) &  is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)])) weighted.x[j,i] =  sum(c(x[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2))], x[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2 + 1))]), na.rm = TRUE) 
    if( is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2)]) &  is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)])) weighted.x[j,i] =  NA 




fn.2.output <- fn.2(x, weights)

fn.2.output <- as.data.frame(fn.2.output)
names(fn.2.output) <- paste('X', 1:(n.cols/2), sep = "")


# nested for-loops with 2 if statements

fn.3 <- function(x, weights){

for(i in 1: (ncol(x)/2)) {
  for(j in 1: nrow(x)) {

    if( is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2)]) & !is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)])) x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 0)] =  (x[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2 + 1))] / weights[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2 + 1))]) * weights[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 0)]
    if(!is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2)]) &  is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)])) x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)] =  (x[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2 + 0))] / weights[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2 + 0))]) * weights[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)] 


x.weights = x * weights

numerator <- sapply(seq(1,ncol(x.weights),2), function(i) {
  apply(x.weights[,c(i, i+1)], 1, sum, na.rm=T)

denominator <- sapply(seq(1,ncol(weights),2), function(i) {
  apply(weights[,c(i, i+1)], 1, sum, na.rm=T)

weighted.x <- numerator/denominator

for(i in 1: (ncol(x)/2)) {
  for(j in 1:   nrow(x)      ) {

    if( is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2)]) & !is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)])) weighted.x[j,i] =  sum(c(x[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2))], x[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2 + 1))]), na.rm = TRUE) 
    if(!is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2)]) &  is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)])) weighted.x[j,i] =  sum(c(x[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2))], x[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2 + 1))]), na.rm = TRUE) 
    if( is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2)]) &  is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)])) weighted.x[j,i] =  NA 




fn.3.output <- fn.3(x, weights)

fn.3.output <- as.data.frame(fn.3.output)
names(fn.3.output) <- paste('X', 1:(n.cols/2), sep = "")


# my reshape solution

fn.4 <- function(x, weights){

new.x    <- reshape(x      , direction="long", varying = list(seq(1,(n.cols-1),2), seq(2,n.cols,2)), v.names = c("v1", "v2"))
wt       <- reshape(weights, direction="long", varying = list(seq(1,(n.cols-1),2), seq(2,n.cols,2)), v.names = c("w1", "w2"))

new.x$v1 <- ifelse(is.na(new.x$v1), (new.x$v2 / wt$w2) * wt$w1, new.x$v1)
new.x$v2 <- ifelse(is.na(new.x$v2), (new.x$v1 / wt$w1) * wt$w2, new.x$v2)

x2  <- reshape(new.x, direction="wide", varying = list(seq(1,3,2), seq(2,4,2)), v.names = c("v1", "v2")) 

x <- x2[,2:(n.cols+1)]

x.weights = x * weights

numerator <- sapply(seq(1,ncol(x.weights),2), function(i) {
  apply(x.weights[,c(i, i+1)], 1, sum, na.rm=T)

denominator <- sapply(seq(1,ncol(weights),2), function(i) {
  apply(weights[,c(i, i+1)], 1, sum, na.rm=T)

weighted.x <- numerator/denominator

for(i in 1: (ncol(x)/2)) {
  for(j in 1:   nrow(x)      ) {

    if( is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2)]) & !is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)])) weighted.x[j,i] =  sum(c(x[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2))], x[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2 + 1))]), na.rm = TRUE) 
    if(!is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2)]) &  is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)])) weighted.x[j,i] =  sum(c(x[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2))], x[j,(1 + ((i-1)*2 + 1))]), na.rm = TRUE) 
    if( is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2)]) &  is.na(x[j,(1 + (i-1)*2 + 1)])) weighted.x[j,i] =  NA 




fn.4.output <- fn.4(x, weights)

fn.4.output <- as.data.frame(fn.4.output)
names(fn.4.output) <- paste('X', 1:(n.cols/2), sep = "")


rownames(fn.1.output) <- NULL
rownames(fn.2.output) <- NULL
rownames(fn.3.output) <- NULL
rownames(fn.4.output) <- NULL

all.equal(fn.1.output, fn.2.output)
all.equal(fn.1.output, fn.3.output)
all.equal(fn.1.output, fn.4.output)
all.equal(fn.2.output, fn.3.output)
all.equal(fn.2.output, fn.4.output)
all.equal(fn.3.output, fn.4.output)


microbenchmark(fn.1(x, weights), fn.2(x, weights), fn.3(x, weights), fn.4(x, weights), times=20)

于 2013-05-24T20:50:13.603 回答