I finally puzzled the solution out of the links I posted above. First the problem in pictures:
repo0: A -- B -- C -- D -- E
F -- G -- H
repo1: A' -- B' -- C' -- D' -- E'
F' -- G' -- H'
Where the commits A and A' correspond and to get the project in a running form, you need to checkout A and A' simultaneously into their respective directories, say proj0 and proj1.
In the repositories the files and directories are put in /.
The target repository should look like this:
A -- A' -- B -- B' -- C -- C' -- D -- D' -- E -- E'
F -- F' -- G -- G' -- H -- H'
So I first did a move of all the contents of the repositories commits into the final directories with this (of course in a copy):
git clone --mirror path/repo0 repo0
git filter-branch --tree-filter "(mkdir -p proj0 ; find * -maxdepth 0 ! -iname proj0 -exec mv {} proj0/ \;)" -- --all
git clone --mirror path/repo1 repo1
git filter-branch --tree-filter "(mkdir -p proj1 ; find * -maxdepth 0 ! -iname proj1 -exec mv {} proj1/ \;)" -- --all
Now I could merge the two, first I create a new repository with the old ones as remotes:
git init new
git remote add proj0 path/repo0
git remote add proj1 path/repo1
git fetch --all
Then I merge branch by branch, I just name them BranchE and BranchH. As they exist from the beginning of the project, I had to get the very first commit, this is done with the dummy-branch:
git checkout -b dummy remotes/proj0/BranchE
git checkout -b start `git log --topo-order --reverse | head -n 1 | sed s/"commit \(.*\)"/"\1"/`
git checkout -b merge start
git merge -m "merge" remotes/proj1/BranchE
git rebase --onto start start merge
git branch -D start
git branch -D dummy
git branch -m merge BranchE
I did the same for BranchH. The drawback until now is, that the histroy looks now like this:
A -- A' -- B -- B' -- C -- C' -- D -- D' -- E -- E'
A' -- B -- B' -- F -- F' -- G -- G' -- H -- H'
The last thing to do is to bring together the similar parts of the history, this is done with this command:
git checkout BranchE
git rebase `git log --oneline | grep "commit comment of last common commit B'" | sed -r s/"(^[a-f0-9]+) .*"/"\1"/` BranchH
Et voilá, you get the desired result.