I am working on a script to loop over what check boxes a user clicks on, depending on which ones were clicked that will result in a "dynamic" query. I am trying to build a where statement with a array to execute in pdo.

The problem I am having is that within the foreach loop I am trying to use


to concatenate a string to build my query. However when a user clicks on the same group of checkboxes like


only one $where will be created so when I print out my query with a var_dump I get this :

SELECT student.anum, 
       COUNT(session.anum) as Total, 
       MIN(DATE_FORMAT(session.signintime, '%b %d, %Y - %l:%i %p')) as 'First',      
       MAX(DATE_FORMAT(session.signintime, '%b %d, %Y - %l:%i %p')) as 'Last' 
      student INNER JOIN session 
           ON session.anum = student.anum 
      INNER JOIN session_status 
           ON session_status.status = session.status 
      INNER JOIN reasons 
           ON reason_id = session.why 
WHERE 1 AND why = :reason 
GROUP BY session.anum

and then I var_dump the placeholder array and get this :

[":reason"]=> string(9) "4 , 5 , 6" }

Notice how I have three values in the :reason array and only 1 :reason in the query. Is there anything I am missing?

This is a example with my thought process (please take a look at the comments) :

   $placeholder = array();
    $where = "";

if($and !== "") // This is the "super array" if you will 
    if(array_key_exists('why_and', $and)) // Now I check for each specific thing a user can search for in the array / database 
       foreach($and as $key => $value) // Take the $value of the array index why_and
           $where .= " AND why = :reason "; // Create a where variable with a named placer holder for each value that exists in the array 
           $placeholder[':reason'] .= rtrim($value, ' ,'); // Then add to the $placeholder array so I can I add it to the PDO execute as an array
    if(array_key_exists('status_and', $and))
       foreach($and as $key => $value)
           $where .= " AND status = :status ";
           $placeholder[':status'] .= rtrim($value, ' ,');
$finSQL = $sql . ' WHERE 1 ' . $where; // COncate the final results
$dynamic = $this-> db-> conn_id-> prepare($finSQL); // prepare
$dynamic-> execute($placeholder); // Use the placeholder array and pass that to the execute as a [key => value pair as shown in the manual example number 2][1]

Edit 1 @Your Common Sense

Just to clear things up THIS WORKS but only for one value in each check box category, why_and, status_and but if I try to do more then one value from the same category then it does not work.


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