
I have a generic class:

public class RangeSeekBar<T extends Number> extends ImageView {
    public RangeSeekBar(T absoluteMinValue, T absoluteMaxValue, Context context) throws IllegalArgumentException {

that I am trying to extend:

class MinMax extends RangeSeekBar<Integer> {
    MinMax(Integer absoluteMinValue, Integer absoluteMaxValue, Context context) {
        super.RangeSeekBar( absoluteMinValue, absoluteMaxValue, context )

but Eclipse says (on super.RangeSeekBar constructor call): The method RangeSeekBar(Integer, Integer, Context) is undefined for the type RangeSeekBar

How should it be written ?


1 回答 1


you are using wrong syntax calling super class's constructor. You should say

super( absoluteMinValue, absoluteMaxValue, context )

于 2013-05-23T07:26:58.253 回答