for (struct node* node = data->plist->head; node!=NULL; node=node->next)
typedef struct args args;
struct args
list* qlist;
double damps;
double dampening;
int j;
int n_cores;
int n_pages;
double *rank_current;
double *rank_previous;
//int cond;
int i;
void pagerank(list* plist, int ncores, int npages, int nedges, double dampener)
int num_pages = npages;
args* data = malloc(sizeof(data));
//data = malloc(sizeof(args) + num_pages * sizeof(double));
data->damps = (1-dampener)/npages; //eg (1-0.85/4)
double damp = (1-dampener)/npages;
data->qlist = plist;
//store pageranks into arrays of doubles
double rank_prev[npages]; //previous ranks
double rank_curr[npages]; //current ranks
for (i = 0; i < npages; i++)
rank_prev[i] = (double)1/npages; //must cast either 1 or npages as a double to get output as a double
rank_curr[i] = (double)1/npages;
data->dampening = dampener; //for use inside parallel function
int stop = 1;
data->n_cores = ncores; //for use inside parallel function
int num_cores = data->n_cores;
pthread_t thread_id[num_cores];
while(stop == 1)
//if more than one core, parallelise
//else solve sequentially
if (ncores > 1)
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex_lock, NULL);
for (data->j = 0; data->j < num_cores; data->j++)
//thread_args[k] = k; //(plist, damp, dampener, rank_prev, rank_curr, i, num_cores)
pthread_create(&thread_id[data->j], NULL, &get_ranks_parallel, NULL);
for (data->j = 0; data->j < num_cores; data->j++)
pthread_join(thread_id[data->j], NULL);
for (i = 0; i < npages; i++)
rank_prev[i] = data->rank_previous[i];
rank_curr[i] = data->rank_current[i] ;
get_ranks_seq(plist, damp, dampener, rank_prev, rank_curr);
stop = check_converge(rank_curr, rank_prev, npages);
update_prev(rank_curr, rank_prev, npages);
print_ranks(rank_curr, plist);
void * get_ranks_parallel(void * q)
args * data = (struct args *) q;
data = malloc(sizeof(struct args));
//store pageranks into arrays of doubles
data->rank_previous[data->n_pages]; //previous ranks
data->rank_current[data->n_pages]; //current ranks
//initialise_rank(rank_prev, rank_curr, npages); //initialise both rank arrays, setting all values a 1/N
for (i = 0; i < data->n_pages; i++)
data->rank_previous[i] = (double)1/data->n_pages; //must cast either 1 or npages as a double to get output as a double
data->rank_current[i] = (double)1/data->n_pages;
//loops through all the pages
for (struct node* node = data->qlist->head; node!=NULL; node=node->next)
//calling page from current node in list
page* p = node->page;
//thread will operate on rooms with index the same as thread id initially, then thread id +ncores, so all threads work on the same amount of rooms
if ((node->page->index) == data->j)
//check to make sure inlinks list is not empty
double sum = 0.0;
if (p->inlinks!=NULL)
//loops through the inlinks list that is associated with current page
for (struct node* inNode = p->inlinks->head; inNode != NULL; inNode = inNode->next)
sum += data->rank_previous[inNode->page->index] / inNode->page->noutlinks; //calculations on current page using inlinks list associated with it
data->rank_current[node->page->index] = data->damps + data->dampening*sum;
data->j += data->n_cores;
plist 和 inlinks 都是在头文件中设置的链表,所以我所做的就是获取这些和所有参数并使用它们来计算所有页面的“pageranks”并将它们存储到一个数组中。plist 存储页面结构(p),每个页面结构又存储一个链表(inlist)
它创建线程,然后在尝试遍历链表 plist 时给出 seg 错误。我的指针指向的地方显然有问题,但我一生都无法弄清楚。线程化这个程序是一场噩梦。
如果有帮助,这是正常编写的函数,没有将所有参数都视为 void * 基本上,当程序运行顺序函数时它运行良好,但尝试在并行函数中循环 plist 时会出现段错误。
void get_ranks_seq(list* plist, double damp, double dampener, double rank_prev[], double rank_curr[])
//loops through all the pages
for (struct node* node = plist->head; node!=NULL; node=node->next)
//calling page from current node in list
page* p = node->page;
//check to make sure inlinks list is not empty
double sum = 0.0;
if (p->inlinks!=NULL)
//loops through the inlinks list that is associated with current page
for (struct node* inNode = p->inlinks->head; inNode != NULL; inNode = inNode->next)
sum += rank_prev[inNode->page->index] / inNode->page->noutlinks; //calculations on current page using inlinks list associated with it
rank_curr[node->page->index] = damp + dampener*sum;
我从 valgrind 得到这个错误:
==5337== Thread 2:
==5337== Invalid read of size 4
==5337== at 0x4017A8: get_ranks_parallel (in /.automount/net/ufiler5/u3/cs1/lsin8526/comp2129_2013/assignment4/assignment4/pagerank)
==5337== by 0x3252607D14: start_thread (in /usr/lib64/libpthread-2.16.so)
==5337== by 0x3251EF246C: clone (in /usr/lib64/libc-2.16.so)
==5337== Address 0x20 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd –