我正在尝试使用 GNUplot 将我的数据绘制成二维重心等边三角形。
unset border
unset xtics
unset ytics
set arrow 1 from 0,0 to .5,sqrt(3)/2 nohead front lt -1 lw 1
set arrow 2 from 0,0 to 1,0 nohead front lt -1 lw 1
set arrow 3 from 1,0 to .5,sqrt(3)/2 nohead front lt -1 lw 1
set label 1 "1" at 0.5,sqrt(3)/2+.05
set label 2 "2" at 1+.05,0
set label 3 "3" at -.05,0
plot 'data.file'
问候, 斯瓦蒂