

m_color = [];
m_color[0] = 255;
m_color[1] = 255;
m_color[2] = 255;
m_color[3] = 255;


var m_color = [];
m_color[0] = 255;
m_color[1] = 255;
m_color[2] = 255;
m_color[3] = 255;


谢谢大家的回答。我将使用它们来编写更好的 JavaScript 代码。




function ParticleClass()
    var m_color = [];
    m_color[0] = 255;
    m_color[1] = 255;
    m_color[2] = 255;
    m_color[3] = 255;

    var m_red = 255;
    var m_green = 255;
    var m_blue = 255;

    this.SetRandomColorRGB = SetRandomColorRGB;
    this.SetRandomColorArray = SetRandomColorArray;
    this.DrawParticleRGB = DrawParticleRGB;
    this.DrawParticleArray = DrawParticleArray;

    function SetRandomColorRGB()
        m_red = Math.floor( Math.random() * 255 );
        m_green = Math.floor( Math.random() * 255 );
        m_blue = Math.floor( Math.random() * 255 );

    function SetRandomColorArray()
        m_color[0] = Math.floor( Math.random() * 255 );
        m_color[1] = Math.floor( Math.random() * 255 );
        m_color[2] = Math.floor( Math.random() * 255 );

    function DrawParticleRGB( ctx )
        // I draw the particle using m_red, m_green and m_blue.

    function DrawParticleArray( ctx )
        // I draw the particle using m_color[0], m_color[1], m_color[2]

然后我创建一个 ParticleClass 粒子数组并绘制它们。

如果我创建一堆粒子并尝试在屏幕上绘制它们,SetRandomColorRGB 和 DrawParticleRGB 效果很好。每个粒子都有不同的颜色。

如果我使用 SetRandomColorArray 和 DrawParticleArray,所有粒子都具有相同的颜色。每次创建新粒子时,所有粒子都会更改为上次选择的 SetRandomColorArray 颜色。

在我看来,数组共享内存,而其他变量则没有。这是真的?这是 Javascript 的一个怪癖吗?有其他事情发生吗?



3 回答 3



var data             = {};               // create a  data object 
data.string          = "hey society";    // Add a string value property
data.num             = 0;                // Add a integer value property
data.arr             = [0,1,2];          // Add an array property
data.date            = new Date();       // Add an object property

                     // here is where the fun starts! 

// Create a var for string property

var sString          = data.string;      // sets to "hey society", as expected.. cool
data.string          = "changed"         // change the value and the compare :
data.string         == sString           // returns false, the values are different

                      // same happens for a number.

// Now lets copy this array
var oArr             = data.arr;         // (seeing the comment pattern? XD)
data.arr             .push(3);           // and modify it.
data.arr            == oArr              // should be false? Nope. returns true.
                                         // arrays are passed by reference.

var oDate            = data.date           // what about objects?       
data.date            .setHours(0);         // modify the variable and
oDate.getTime()     == data.date.getTime() // it returns true, too!

                      // so, how do we fix the array problem?

// right in front of yer nose
var oArrFix          = data.arr.splice(0) // get a new array based on 
data.arr             .push(4)             // an unmodified version of the original
data.arr            == oArrFix            // false.. huh..

                     // How do we use this as a fix

data.arr["changed"] == false;

oArrFix              = ChangeOriginalArray( data.arr );

// When you are expecting an array..
function ChangeOriginalArray( arr )       // pass as a parameter
    var aArr = arr.splice(0);             // make a copy!

    if (aArr["changed"] == false)         // check has same value!
        aArr["newKey"]   = "newVal";      // add a value

        arr["changed"]   = true;          // change original value

    return aArr;

oArrFix["newKey"]       == data.arr["newKey"] // false
oArrFix["changed"]      == true               // no, created
data.arr["changed"]     == oArrFix["changed"] // nah, passed by value, not reference
于 2013-05-23T04:14:35.450 回答


function ParticleClass()
    this.m_color = [255, 255, 255, 255];

    this.m_red = 255;
    this.m_green = 255;
    this.m_blue = 255;

(function(p) {

p.SetRandomColorRGB = function () {
        this.m_red = Math.floor( Math.random() * 255 );
        this.m_green = Math.floor( Math.random() * 255 );
        this.m_blue = Math.floor( Math.random() * 255 );

p.SetRandomColorArray = function () {
        this.m_color[0] = Math.floor( Math.random() * 255 );
        this.m_color[1] = Math.floor( Math.random() * 255 );
        this.m_color[2] = Math.floor( Math.random() * 255 );

p.DrawParticleRGB = function( ctx ) {
        // I draw the particle using m_red, m_green and m_blue.

p.DrawParticleArray = function( ctx )
        // I draw the particle using m_color[0], m_color[1], m_color[2]

于 2013-05-23T03:33:36.360 回答

变量的范围在函数 ParticleClass() 内。因此,在此空间中定义的函数中的变量将与其父级共享范围。

这就是为什么有时你会在 Javascript 中看到这种模式 -

var self = this;
$('.someClass').each(function(i) {
   // function is defined as a closure
   // but it shares its scope with its parent so it can see self and access the parent's  
   // pointer to this.



var myClass = function() {
  this.stuff = 1;
myClass.prototype.myFunc = function() {
  // Do Something..
  this.stuff += 5;

// Then create instances of your class with
var i = new MyClass();


这是一个例子:http: //jsfiddle.net/RvCgJ/

于 2013-05-23T02:46:43.530 回答