Here is a bit of CSS that has a simple media query.
When I shrink the page so that the view port is less than 320, the box turns green. Now if I follow these steps, the browser will be maximized, but the CSS will still be in the state defined by the media query at 320px.
- With the page opened in the first tab, and the browser sized so that the < 320px media query is enabled,
- Open a new tab, Browse to a website, like
- Maximize the browser.
- Take an extended browsing session away from the first tab. Do not reactivate the first tab for a few minutes.
- Activate the first tab with the window maximized.
- At this point, the view port should be full screen, but the element should still be the green block.
This means the <320 media query is still applied. If you open the debugger though, you'll see that the CSS applied though is the normal CSS. Is this a bug with Chrome?
Here's an album on imgur that shows the sequence.
- Opened, maximized.
- Reduced viewport, media query enabled.
- Maximized, still using media query.
- Looking at the CSS, it says that the dimensions are 300x200, but the UI shows 100x100. Something is broken.