我想用属性文件中的值替换 css 文件中的一些替换标记。到目前为止我所做的是:

<target depends="prepare" name="build_css">
        <fileset refid="temp_css_files"/>
        <regexp pattern="\{(.*)\}"/>
        <substitution expression="${testprop}"/>

这将成功地用 testprop 属性的值替换匹配的字符串。但我喜欢做的是,用名称为匹配字符串的属性替换匹配的字符串。



<target depends="prepare" name="build_css">
        <fileset refid="temp_css_files"/>
        <regexp pattern="\{(.*)\}"/>
        <substitution expression="${\1}"/>

没有成功,因为匹配的字符串随后被替换为 String ${myprop}



1 回答 1


如果您可以使用典型的 Ant${...}语法来表示 CSS 文件中的属性,那么 Ant 的<expandproperties>FilterReader可能会很有用:

<project name="ant-replace-tokens-with-copy-task" default="run">
    <target name="run">
        <property name="src-root" location="src"/>

        <fileset id="temp_css_files" dir="${src-root}">
            <include name="**/*.css"/>

        <!-- The <copy> task cannot "self-copy" files. So, for each -->
        <!-- matched file we'll have <copy> read the file, replace the -->
        <!-- tokens, and write the result to a temporary file. Then, we'll -->
        <!-- use the <move> task to replace the original files with the -->
        <!-- modified files. -->
        <property name="filtered-file.extension" value="*.filtered-file"/>

        <copy todir="${src-root}">
            <fileset refid="temp_css_files"/>
            <globmapper from="*" to="${filtered-file.extension}"/>

        <move todir="${src-root}">
            <fileset dir="${src-root}" includes="**"/>
            <globmapper from="${filtered-file.extension}" to="*"/>

如果您需要坚持使用{...}语法,ReplaceTokens FilterReader 会将标记替换为属性文件中定义的属性:

<project name="ant-replace-tokens-with-copy-task" default="run">
    <target name="run">
        <property name="src-root" location="src"/>

        <fileset id="temp_css_files" dir="${src-root}">
            <include name="**/*.css"/>

        <!-- The <copy> task cannot "self-copy" files. So, for each -->
        <!-- matched file we'll have <copy> read the file, replace the -->
        <!-- tokens, and write the result to a temporary file. Then, we'll -->
        <!-- use the <move> task to replace the original files with the -->
        <!-- modified files. -->
        <property name="filtered-file.extension" value="*.filtered-file"/>

        <copy todir="${src-root}">
            <fileset refid="temp_css_files"/>
            <globmapper from="*" to="${filtered-file.extension}"/>
                <filterreader classname="org.apache.tools.ant.filters.ReplaceTokens">
                    <param type="tokenchar" name="begintoken" value="{"/>
                    <param type="tokenchar" name="endtoken" value="}"/>
                    <param type="propertiesfile" value="dev.properties"/>

        <move todir="${src-root}">
            <fileset dir="${src-root}" includes="**"/>
            <globmapper from="${filtered-file.extension}" to="*"/>
于 2013-05-22T15:43:41.083 回答