Moved over to Win8 to do Metro development, but need to support some Classic ASP code.

On windows 7/IIS6 could debug the Classic ASP code with VS2008/2010, no problems.

First time trying it on Win8/IIS8 and having no luck get this started.

In Win7/IIS6, start VS2010, Attached debugging to w3wp.exe (running VS2010 in administrator mode), debugger is attached and can see the Classic ASP code.

In Win8/IIS8, start VS2010, Attached debugging to w3wp.exe (running VS2010 in administrator mode), debugger is attached and I cannot see the Classic ASP code.

Other observation is under Win7, the w3wp.exe type is Script/Managed(v2...), x64

under Win8 the w3wp.exe type is x86.

Can anyone help?


1 回答 1


如此处所述,注册表项可能有问题。对我来说,问题是通过将该注册表项更改为 8 来解决的。


将 AppIDFlags 从 28 设置为 8(而不是 microsoft 原始解决方法中所述的 20)。

在我更改了该注册表项后,我能够使用 vs2010 和 vs2012 在 win8 下的 IIS8 上调试经典 asp。此外,更改后可以使用 vbscipt 关键字“stop”。JIT Debugger 就像在 win7/iis7 下一样弹出

于 2013-05-24T11:08:31.887 回答