
I get the following error when i run my Parser file ( binary got after compiling Flex/Bison files). error: syntax error, unexpected TKN_PRIMARY, expecting end of file

Here is rule defined in flex code:

 lexVal = YYText();
 std::cout<<"PRIMARY MME -->  "<<lexVal<<std::endl;
 yylval->strVal = new std::string(lexVal);
 return token::TKN_PRIMARYMME;

And my understanding is that since value of TKN_PRIMARY is zero ( which is the value defined for END %token END 0 "end of file") Instead of returning TKN_PRIMARY , it is expecting token END to be returned. Please comment if my understanding is correct . And Also how to tackle this issue.


1 回答 1




但是,通常最好让 Bison 为所有令牌类型选择数字代码。Bison 会自动选择不相互冲突或与正常字符不冲突的代码。


于 2013-05-21T19:27:11.653 回答