I am making an iphone app, and I would like to integrate a picture gallery. My idea is to have a previsualization of some pictures, and once you tap one of them, you can see the others by sliding.

The thing is that I would like to make a previsualization like Twitter app has in the Profile screen. In this kind of previsualization, you can slide the thumbnails, and once you see a picture that you are interested in, you tap on it and you see it.

Do you know any library which is able to do this?

I am waiting for your answers.

Thank youuu


1 回答 1


这听起来类似于 WWDC 2012 Collection View 演示中所做的事情,可以在这里找到。如果他们的演示不正确,您仍然几乎肯定希望使用带有流布局的集合视图。

于 2013-05-21T18:44:38.277 回答