我已经构建了一个用于动态编译 java 源代码的应用程序,并获取已编译的类信息并存储到对象中。

应用程序需要源目录和完整的类名(例如 MOCG.entity.Person)才能将文件添加到应用程序。

我在这个应用程序中使用 Janino 编译器。我以前是通过javax.tools.ToolProvider编译器实现的,但是我不知道如何编译多个文件,并且无法自动编译相关类。


Caused by: org.codehaus.commons.compiler.CompileException: File /Users/chillyprig/IdeaProjects/Mockito/src/lab05/p1/dao/CourseDAO.java, Line 22, Column 9: Identifier expected in member declaration
at org.codehaus.janino.Parser.throwCompileException(Parser.java:2593)
at org.codehaus.janino.Parser.parseInterfaceBody(Parser.java:613)
at org.codehaus.janino.Parser.parseInterfaceDeclarationRest(Parser.java:518)
at org.codehaus.janino.Parser.parsePackageMemberTypeDeclaration(Parser.java:186)
at org.codehaus.janino.Parser.parseCompilationUnit(Parser.java:74)
at org.codehaus.janino.JavaSourceIClassLoader.findIClass(JavaSourceIClassLoader.java:150)
... 46 more


 * Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
 * User: Dto
 * Date: 12/2/12
 * Time: 8:26 AM
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package lab05.p1.dao;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

 * This is the example of the DAO interface, you have to implement the implementation class to complete the DAO classes
 * @author  dto
public interface CourseDAO {
     * Get all the courses
     * @return all courses stored in the persistence
    List<Course> getCourses();

     * Get all students which enroll to the courses
     * @return all students in the persistence
    Set<Student> getStudents();

     * Get the course by query the name provided
     * @param name the name of the course which the user wants
     * @return the course which contains the same name
     *          null if the course with specific name is not existed
    Course getCourseByName(String name);

     * Get the Student by id
      * @param id the id of the student which we want to find
     * @return the student object with the specific id
     *          The empty student object if the student with the specific id is not exist
    Student getStudentById(String id);


private Class compile() throws ClassNotFoundException, SourceDirectoryNotfoundException {
        ClassLoader classLoader = null;
            classLoader = new JavaSourceClassLoader(
                    new File[] {new File(sourceDir)},
                    (String) null
        } catch (NullPointerException e){
            throw new SourceDirectoryNotfoundException();
        Class<?> c = classLoader.loadClass(fullname);        
        return c;



1 回答 1


Janino 是一个与 Java 1.4 兼容的编译器——也就是说,它不能处理Java 5 中引入的泛型。第 22 行是开始的那一行List<Course>——泛型的使用,这个编译器不能处理。

于 2013-05-31T14:13:22.017 回答