Not sure if this is a malware in my server or browser, but a few days ago a client of mine complained that when he searched for a given site (Courfleurie[dot]com) in google, and then click on that link in Google's result page, instead of going to the site, he is getting taken to Google.com.br page.

I couldn't reproduce that, and neither another friend whom I asked to have a look.

This morning, client sent me a google link, which when I clicked I went to a google page and then when I clicked on the first link.


It's happenning in my FF & Safari and not in Chrome.

Any thought on this, anyone ?


2 回答 2


这听起来像是服务器端恶意软件,我敢打赌它是一个 joomla 或 wordpress 网站

于 2013-05-23T10:16:10.973 回答

Google 根据请求 IP 地址的地理位置处理重定向。假设您没有使用Tor或其他东西掩盖您的源 IP,这肯定是一个随机故障。

于 2013-05-21T21:43:54.557 回答