[我是想在 StackOverflow 上问这个问题...]

我一直在使用 VisualSVN Server,在 Vista 上没有任何问题。

当需要将所有内容更改为 Windows 7 时,我想知道最好的方法是什么?

最好将所有机器上的所有代码“签入”到 Vista 上,并为一台机器执行 SVN 更新,然后在 Windows 7 上重新安装 VisualSVN 并创建另一个项目。这是最好的方法吗?

有没有人在 Windows 7 机器上运行 VisualSVN 服务器(以及 TortoiseSVN)并发现它是稳定的?


2 回答 2


As a good practice try not to run your source control on the same machine you are working on since if your PC goes down well you are going to loose everything (Use unfuddle or beanstalk , both are free). Now back to the question. I have VisualSVN running fine in Win7 as well as tortoise , to do the migration all you would need to do is make sure all your code is committed then re install in Win7 and either restore or overwrite your repo directories from VisualSVN and your projects will be back in source control , A point to note is that if your IP or machine name change you might need to do a relocate command on your working directory.

于 2009-11-02T10:20:43.297 回答

我不确定这如何与 VisualSvn Server 一起使用,但您要确保两个存储库上的存储库 uuid 相同。然后,您可以执行加载/转储循环或使用svnsync将存储库从一个盒子移动到另一个盒子。也看看svnbook中的这一章

于 2009-11-03T17:44:18.283 回答