我在 ISAPI 过滤器中设置多个 cookie 时遇到问题。我想将HttpOnly
标志添加到所有 cookie 中。
因此,在我的第一次尝试中,我拆分了 cookie 值并添加了HttpOnly
标志,然后将它们组合成一个字符串,最后调用pResponse->SetHeader(pfc, "Set-Cookie:", szNewValue)
,浏览器只获得第一个 cookie 值。
cbValue = sizeof(szValue) / sizeof(szValue[0]);
if (pResponse->GetHeader(pfc, "Set-Cookie:", szValue, &cbValue))
char szNewValue[MAX_URI_SIZE] = "";
char* token = NULL;
char* context = NULL;
char delim[] = ",";
// szValue format like
// "Language=en; expires=Sat, 15-Jul-2113 02:46:27 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly,Language=en; expires=Sat, 15-Jul-2113 02:46:27 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly"
// After first split
// token = "Language=en; expires=Sat"
// context = " 15-Jul-2113 02:46:27 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly,Language=en; expires=Sat, 15-Jul-2113 02:46:27 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly"
token = strtok_s(szValue, delim, &context);
while (token != NULL)
strcat_s(szNewValue, token);
if (NULL != context)
if (' ' != context[0] && !strstr(token, "HttpOnly"))
strcat_s(szNewValue, "; HttpOnly");
// context[0] = ' ' means it split the one whole cookie, not an entire cookie, we need append ","
// context[0] != '\0' means other cookies after, we need append delimiter ","
if (' ' == context[0] || '\0' != context[0])
strcat_s(szNewValue, ",");
// NULL, function just re-uses the context after the first read.
token = strtok_s(NULL, delim, &context);
if (!pResponse->SetHeader(pfc, "Set-Cookie:", szNewValue))
// Fail securely - send no cookie!
在第二次尝试中,我拆分了 cookie 值,并pResponse->SetHeader(pfc, "Set-Cookie:", szNewValue)
为每个 cookie 调用,但在这种情况下浏览器只获取最后一个 cookie。
cbValue = sizeof(szValue) / sizeof(szValue[0]);
if (pResponse->GetHeader(pfc, "Set-Cookie:", szValue, &cbValue))
char szNewValue[MAX_URI_SIZE] = "";
char* token = NULL;
char* context = NULL;
char delim[] = ",";
// szValue format like
// "Language=en; expires=Sat, 15-Jul-2113 02:46:27 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly,Language=en; expires=Sat, 15-Jul-2113 02:46:27 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly"
// After first split
// token = "Language=en; expires=Sat"
// context = " 15-Jul-2113 02:46:27 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly,Language=en; expires=Sat, 15-Jul-2113 02:46:27 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly"
token = strtok_s(szValue, delim, &context);
while (token != NULL)
strcat_s(szNewValue, token);
if (NULL != context)
if (' ' != context[0] && !strstr(token, "HttpOnly"))
strcat_s(szNewValue, "; HttpOnly");
// context[0] = ' ' means it split the one whole cookie, not an entire cookie, we need append ","
// context[0] != '\0' means other cookies after, we need append delimiter ","
if (' ' == context[0])// || '\0' != context[0])
strcat_s(szNewValue, ",");
if (' ' != context[0])
pResponse->SetHeader(pfc, "Set-Cookie:", szNewValue);
strcpy(szNewValue, "");
// NULL, function just re-uses the context after the first read.
token = strtok_s(NULL, delim, &context);
我在 IE10+Win2008 R2 中执行此操作。在这两种情况下,结果 cookie 字符串的格式都正确。有人对此有任何线索吗?
这个问题的存在基本上是因为当您调用 时GetHeader
,您会在一个逗号分隔的字符串中收到所有 cookie。使用SetHeader