当我从 Xamarin 编译其中一个 Android 代码示例时,我在编译时收到以下错误,我该怎么做才能修复它?

C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Xamarin\Android\Xamarin.Android.Common.targets(3,3):错误 MSB4131:“AndroidComputeResPaths”任务不支持“ResourceNameCaseMap”参数。验证该参数是否存在于任务中,并且它是一个可获取的公共实例属性。(MSB4131) (蛇)


1 回答 1


I fixed the problem, one I had to update my mono.android SDK. Second, thanks to the new update of the official android SDK, I had to change the location of the aapt.exe file and the lib directory so that it would build properly, it's working fine now.

于 2013-05-17T20:34:16.150 回答