Neo4j 没有提供您要求的开箱即用功能,但由于您已经正确填充数据库,因此您需要的遍历只是几行代码。
我在这里重新创建了您的实验,并进行了一些修改。首先,我用单遍文本(步骤 2 和 3)填充数据库,但这是次要的。更重要的是,我只存储每个关系上的出现次数和节点上的总数(步骤 4),因为我认为不需要预先计算概率。
* A component that creates a random sentence by a random walk on a Markov Chain stored in Neo4j, produced by
* {@link NGramDatabasePopulator}.
public class RandomSentenceCreator {
private final Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
* Create a random sentence from the underlying n-gram model. Starts at a random node an follows random outgoing
* relationships of type {@link Constants#REL} with a probability proportional to that transition occurrence in the
* text that was processed to form the model. This happens until the desired length is achieved. In case a node with
* no outgoing relationships it reached, the walk is re-started from a random node.
* @param database storing the n-gram model.
* @param length desired number of characters in the random sentence.
* @return random sentence.
public String createRandomSentence(GraphDatabaseService database, int length) {
Node startNode = randomNode(database);
return walk(startNode, length, 0);
private String walk(Node startNode, int maxLength, int currentLength) {
if (currentLength >= maxLength) {
return (String) startNode.getProperty(NAME);
int totalRelationships = (int) startNode.getProperty(TOTAL, 0);
if (totalRelationships == 0) {
//terminal node, restart from random
return walk(randomNode(startNode.getGraphDatabase()), maxLength, currentLength);
int choice = random.nextInt(totalRelationships) + 1;
int total = 0;
Iterator<Relationship> relationshipIterator = startNode.getRelationships(OUTGOING, REL).iterator();
Relationship toFollow = null;
while (total < choice && relationshipIterator.hasNext()) {
toFollow =;
total += (int) toFollow.getProperty(PROBABILITY);
Node nextNode;
if (toFollow == null) {
//no relationship to follow => stay on the same node and try again
nextNode = startNode;
} else {
nextNode = toFollow.getEndNode();
return ((String) nextNode.getProperty(NAME)).substring(0, 1) + walk(nextNode, maxLength, currentLength + 1);
private Node randomNode(GraphDatabaseService database) {
return random(;