Apple is now requiring a retina and 4-inch display Splash page (i.e. the "Default-568h@2x.png") for all apps to be submitted, which is fine. However, when I include that and then do another build, once I get into the app, instead of it being centered with dark on the top and bottom (as it was before), is now top-aligned on the screen with 2x the blank space on the bottom.. which looks really unprofessional.

Is there any way via our configuration to tell the OS to go back to centering the app, despite that it has the now-required 4" Splash page included? Ideally I'd like to be able to do this without updating every single IB view in the app to center it manually, as I feel the OS should still be able to do this somehow via configuration.

FYI, answers that say "update your entire app for 4"!" are unacceptable. There are clients who don't yet have a creative budget for this but still want to keep their existing app looking decent in the store. If it's not possible, then it's not possible, but that is why I'm asking the question.

Thanks in advance for any assistance on this, and my apologies if this has already been asked.


3 回答 3


你误会了。到目前为止,除了视网膜和非视网膜设备之外,您还必须完全支持 iPhone 5 和第 5 代 iPod touch 的全 4 英寸屏幕。

通过添加“Default-568h@2x.png”启动图像(它不是初始屏幕),您告诉操作系统您的应用程序支持 4" 屏幕。

您必须更新您的应用程序才能填满屏幕。有无数关于如何做到这一点的现有帖子。没有办法解决这个问题。它是 100% 必需的——Apple 也不例外。

顺便说一句 - Apple 于 3 月 21 日宣布了这一要求。每个注册的 iOS 开发人员都会收到该要求的通知。

于 2013-05-16T22:01:09.120 回答

从 5 月 1 日起,如果您将此应用程序提交到应用程序商店,您将需要同时支持 Retina 显示器和新的 4 英寸屏幕尺寸。


于 2013-05-16T21:53:11.510 回答

使用单一设置无法完成您所要求的操作。您最好的选择是在您加载视图以更改origin.y位置时运行的一些代码,或者通过 XIB 文件并更新自动调整大小规则,以便视图扩展以填充空间。您可能没有预算来更新应用程序中的图形资源,但您应该能够花费少量时间进行自动调整大小。

“少量时间”的警告可能适用于您 - 如果您在代码中明确设置所有视图的大小,您会让自己的生活变得痛苦。

于 2013-05-16T22:00:24.007 回答