I'm trying to process YUY2 image (Y, Cb, Cr). I need to filter the image and eliminate all the colors but the red coloring. I used Image Processing Lab to find the values of the elements Y, Cb, Cr. I found the values (you can see the image with the filtering):
Edited: trying to figure out why the images doesn't show - anyway, the image has some values of YUY element to filter as requested.
I wrote a code of reading video from a camera with a filter using this values but it didn't filter good. This is a image of the filtered image:
Edited: the image some of the blue color in the image filtered, while the rest of the picture didn't change (has white, blue, gray colors) - the 1st image filtered all the colors but red.
This is my code:
#define _WIDTH 640
#define _HEIGHT 480
#define _MinY .173
#define _MaxY .737
#define _MinB -.189
#define _MaxB .106
#define _MinR .084
#define _MaxR .324
typedef struct YUY2_struct
UINT8 y0, b, y1, r;
HRESULT SampleGrabberCallback::LineDetection(YUY2 *pD ,float arr[])
int LineCount = 0;
int LineSum = 0;
YUY2 *tempLocation = pD;
UINT8 MinY = (UINT8)(255 * _MinY);
UINT8 MaxY = (UINT8)(255 * _MaxY);
UINT8 MinR = (UINT8)((_MinR + 0.5) * 255);
UINT8 MaxR = (UINT8)((_MaxR + 0.5) * 255);
UINT8 MinB = (UINT8)((_MinB + 0.5) * 255);
UINT8 MaxB = (UINT8)((_MaxB + 0.5) * 255);
for (int i = 0; i < _WIDTH * _HEIGHT / 2; ++i)
if ((tempLocation->b > MinB) && (tempLocation->b < MaxB) && (tempLocation->r > MinR) && (tempLocation->r < MaxR))
//for 1st pixel
if ((tempLocation->y0 < MaxY) && (tempLocation->y0 > MinY))
tempLocation->b = 128;
tempLocation->r = 128;
tempLocation->y0 = 0;
//for 2nd pixel
if ((tempLocation->y1 < MaxY) && (tempLocation->y1 > MinY))
tempLocation->b = 128;
tempLocation->r = 128;
tempLocation->y1 = 0;
tempLocation += 1;
return NOERROR;
Any tips why does it doesn't filter me the image as the image in Image Processing Lab?