我正在使用 c++ 对 ftp 服务器进行编程,我需要能够以以下形式获取有关文件的所有信息:
sent: drwxr-xr-x 1000 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 May 16 11:44 Package-Debug.bash
void Communication::LISTCommand() {
DIR *directory;
struct dirent *ent;
char path[100];
strcpy(path, this->path.c_str()); //this->path can be different from current working path
/*if (chdir(path) == -1) {
perror("Error while changing the working directory ");
directory = opendir(path);
struct tm* clock;
struct stat attrib;
struct passwd *pw;
struct group *gr;
string line;
char file_info[1000];
while ((ent = readdir(directory)) != NULL) {
stat(ent->d_name, &attrib);
clock = gmtime(&(attrib.st_mtime));
pw = getpwuid(attrib.st_uid);
gr = getgrgid(attrib.st_gid);
if (S_ISDIR(attrib.st_mode))
line.append(1, 'd');
else line.append(1, '-');
if (attrib.st_mode & S_IRUSR)
line.append(1, 'r');
else line.append(1, '-');
if (attrib.st_mode & S_IWUSR)
line.append(1, 'w');
else line.append(1, '-');
if (attrib.st_mode & S_IXUSR)
line.append(1, 'x');
else line.append(1, '-');
if (attrib.st_mode & S_IRGRP)
line.append(1, 'r');
else line.append(1, '-');
if (attrib.st_mode & S_IWGRP)
line.append(1, 'w');
else line.append(1, '-');
if (attrib.st_mode & S_IXGRP)
line.append(1, 'x');
else line.append(1, '-');
if (attrib.st_mode & S_IROTH)
line.append(1, 'r');
else line.append(1, '-');
if (attrib.st_mode & S_IWOTH)
line.append(1, 'w');
else line.append(1, '-');
if (attrib.st_mode & S_IXOTH)
line.append("x ");
else line.append("- ");
sprintf(file_info, "%s%d %s %s %d %s %d %02d:%02d %s\r\n", line.c_str(), pw->pw_uid,
pw->pw_name, gr->gr_name, (int) attrib.st_size, getMonth(clock->tm_mon).c_str(),
clock->tm_mday, clock->tm_hour, clock->tm_min, ent->d_name);
if (send(c_data_sock, file_info, strlen(file_info), 0) == -1) {
perror("Error while writing ");
cout << "sent: " << file_info << endl;
当路径变量与当前工作路径不同时,此代码不起作用。Valgrind 说有许多跳转取决于未初始化的值等,并且文件列表包含错误的值 - 只有文件名和大小是正确的。当我将当前工作目录更改为路径变量的内容时,它不会报告任何错误,但文件列表仍然包含错误信息。我真的不知道我的代码有什么问题,所以非常感谢任何帮助。