I'm in the process of developing my first desktop application with the help of 1-2 other people. It's an application built on C#.

I'm kid of stumped on what to use as a VCS. I have a TFS service account and a micro Github account.

I've tried git-tf and TFVC and I do like both. I like the fact that I can have code reviews with TFS, planning etc. I like using git because we can branch per feature and then merge with master. I also like the fact that a copy of the source is kept on each individual's machine.

I'm am not sure if TFService does branching and merging like git does or if you can work offline with it. What is the difference between commit and checkin/out.

What would be better for my small team to use? I want to be able to control changes from branches (after thorough bug testing being able to merger to master etc). I like having work items, storyboard and sprint (it's easier for me to organize what needs to be done as I am extremely disorganized).

We need the ability to "see" what each other are working on etc.

This doesn't make any sense, as you can tell I'm lost on what I really need. Can anyone help me out?


2 回答 2


Git 或 Subversion 是您的选择。



GitHub 和 BitBucket 很受欢迎。为什么不选择其中之一呢?

于 2013-11-10T16:41:09.903 回答

如果您想要所有这些服务,TFS 非常适合您的需求。如果您都熟悉 git,我建议您将 TFS 与 git 一起使用,而不是使用传统的 TFS 源代码控制,因为 git 更强大。

于 2013-11-10T16:41:11.270 回答