我遇到了同样的问题,在我的情况下,所有请求都来自 ajax 调用,这简化了解决方案,因为当我使用标准按钮修复问题时,我做了一个递归函数,将所有 onclick 重定向到我的集中式函数,然后忽略正确的点击。我也在复制ajax调用支持href问题的解决方案。该解决方案避免返回上一页。将代码放在名为 backbutton,js 的文件中任何评论都写到 mparma@usa.net,主题为:javascript backbutton
<!-- backbutton developed by Manuel Parma 2011-06-10 -->
<!-- email: mparma@usa.net -->
<!-- Add the next line into the <body> section as a first line -->
<!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="<path>/backbutton.js"></script> -->
<!-- Address used when backtoLogin is 1 or when there is not previous page from site -->
var returningAddress = "http://my returning address"
<!-- Message to display when an external action (back button, forward button, backspace) move without press the application buttons -->
var backButtonMessage = "Using the browser's Back button may cause a loss in data. Please use the Back and Continue buttons at the bottom of the form."
<!-- 0=no / 1=yes (assume per default that the back button will be pressed -->
<!-- and come into action if this was NOT the case) -->
var backButtonPressed = 1;
<!--This var when is setted to 1 avoid to captureEvent set backbuttonPressed to 1, otherwise unload event cannot detect the right state of backButtonPressed-->
var onbeforeunloadeventFired = 0;
<!--Indicate to logic back to first page (login) when its value is 1 otherwise the logic back to previous page out of the site-->
var backtoLogin = 0;
var DoPostBackWithOptionsHook = null;
var DoPostBackHook = null;
<!-- Check the previous status -->
if (window.name == ""){
<!-- When window.name is empty, this is indicating the first call of site -->
window.name = "L0001";
else {
if (window.name == "L0000_back"){
<!-- In this condition the page is returning after a foward button press -->
window.name = "";
<!-- the system reload the page to clean the data -->
window.location.href = returningAddress;
else {
if (window.name.indexOf("_back") > 4){
<!-- when the word back is present, the previous call is sending a message that the back button was pressed and the site is going out -->
<!-- get the internal counter -->
var sLastValue = modifynamevalue(0);
<!-- set the count to go back -->
var iCountBack = -(sLastValue * 1);
if (backtoLogin == 1) {iCountBack++;};
if (window.history.length - 2 < -iCountBack) {
iCountBack = -(window.history.length - 2);
<!-- the site is flag that first page needs to reload -->
window.name = "L0000_back";
<!-- the site is returning to the first page or previous -->
else {
<!-- increase the internal counter -->
var sLastValue = modifynamevalue(+1);
window.name = "L" + sLastValue;
<!-- Set the events needed to manage the back and forwar button situations -->
if (typeof(Sys) == "object") {
window.onbeforeunload = onbeforeunloadEvent;
window.onunload = unloadEvent;
DoPostBackWithOptionsHook = WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions;
WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions = WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptionsHook;
doPostBackHook = __doPostBack;
__doPostBack = __doPostBackHook;
function WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptionsHook(options) {
return DoPostBackWithOptionsHook(options)
function __doPostBackHook(eventTarget, eventArgument) {
if (backButtonPressed == 1) {
return doPostBackHook(eventTarget, eventArgument)
function beginRequest(sender, args) {
<!-- setting onbeforeunloadeventFired = 1 I take care to avoid anyone changed the Backbutton until endrequest -->
onbeforeunloadeventFired = 1;
function endRequest(sender, args) {
onbeforeunloadeventFired = 0;
<!-- unload event handler -->
function unloadEvent(evt) {
<!-- double coundition using onbeforeunloadeventFired == 1 garantee avoid problemas with redirect operations -->
if ((backButtonPressed == 1) && (onbeforeunloadeventFired == 1)) {
<!-- decrement the internal counter -->
var sLastValue = modifynamevalue(-1);
window.name = "L" + sLastValue + "_back";
if (DoPostBackWithOptionsHook !== null) {
WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions = DoPostBackWithOptionsHook;
if (doPostBackHook !== null) {
__doPostBack = doPostBackHook;
<!-- on before unload -->
function onbeforeunloadEvent(evt) {
onbeforeunloadeventFired = 1;
if (backButtonPressed == 1) {
return backButtonMessage;
<!-- used to set right backButtonPressed-->
function setBackButton(value){
if (value == 0) {
backButtonPressed = 0;
else {
if (onbeforeunloadeventFired == 0) {
backButtonPressed = 1;
<!-- increment and decrment the internal counter stored into windows.name -->
function modifynamevalue(iIncrement){
var iCount = (window.name.substring(1, 5) * 1) + iIncrement;
if (iCount < 0) {
iCount = 0;
var sNewValue = iCount.toString();
sNewValue = "0000".substring(0, 4 - sNewValue.length) + sNewValue;
return sNewValue;