I am creating custom secondary flip tile for a Windows phone 8 app by generating front and back images as backgrounds. In order to maintain control over the length and font size displayed text labels i am rendering them as part of the background image, and basically have all the text resources of the tile empty.

I am looking for the default stiles of both titles and back content such as font size, font family, font weight, character spacing etc.

Can someone point me to the right documentation. I was not able to find anything. My best approach to date was to use screenshot of a system default tile and use it as a background of my custom template and to tweak the properties of the text blocks in order to mimic the same look and feel, but i dislike this approach as it produces unreliable values.


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这是 Windows Phone 主题资源中所有预定义主题的列表,适用于 Windows Phone

不幸的是,我自己无法找到确切的样式,但这里有一个类似的问题,您可以在其中找到相关的答案 Font size and family for a tile's title

如果您对该工具包感兴趣,这里是最新版本Windows Phone 工具包的链接

于 2013-05-15T15:50:35.507 回答