
I'm very new to Netbeans platform and I'm trying to assess whether it is possible to utilize the completion functionality outside of the source editors? I followed the completion tutorial but that merely sets up the completion and registers it as a service. Then the editor picks it up based on the MIME-type.

What I want to do is to write a topcomponent with a jtable in it and enable completion when one edits a cell in the table. Can anyone point me in the right direction on what I need to do?

Regards, Rickard


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What you may be referring to is an auto-complete textbox. You don't need any netbeans specific code to do this. Look at the links below.

autocomplete JTextField for netbeans


If you want Java API Lookup for a text field I think you might have to integrate the CodeCompletionProvider with your code and then call that provider from your textbox Keyboard Event Handler.


于 2013-05-20T21:09:24.550 回答