我有一个监听 onkeyup 事件的函数,onkeyup 检查一个框是否有值,如果不是空白,则应该拉出 elementID 的值,它是从另一个页面调用的电话号码。它获取该值并将其插入到发送到另一个 elementID 的 html 片段中。以下代码是函数和相关代码。

<script language="javascript">
function monthlycheck() {

    var mnthchk = document.getElementById("mdamountBox");
    var cancelPhone = document.getElementById("cancelphoneLabel");
    document.getElementById("cancelphonelistLabel").value = cancelPhone; <--gives the is null error


        var newHTML = "<span style='color:#24D330'> Your Monthly pledge in the amount of $__ is valid and will be deducted this time every month<br> untill you notify us of its cancellation by calling <label id='cancelphonelistLabel'>&nbsp;</label>";
        " </span>";

        document.getElementById("mnthlychkdiscoLabel").innerHTML = newHTML;


<label id="mnthlychkdiscoLabel">&nbsp;</label> <---this is where the final data is to be displayed
<label id="cancelphoneLabel">1-800-555-1111</label> <--- this is the phone number pulled from another page,

所有数据在加载时都集中在一个页面中,但使用 smarty 模板写在单独的页面中。我不断收到标题错误,并尝试了许多不同的方法来修复它,但我很难过任何帮助,非常感谢。

这是一个 jfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/rn5HH/


1 回答 1


我认为您正在尝试在创建该 ID 之前访问它。也.value仅用于输入。看起来您正在创建一个标签,因此您将改用 innerHTML。


<script language="javascript">
function monthlycheck() {

  var mnthchk = document.getElementById("mdamountBox");
  var cancelPhone = document.getElementById("cancelphoneLabel");


    var newHTML = "<span style='color:#24D330'> Your Monthly pledge in the amount of $__ is valid and will be deducted this time every month<br> untill you notify us of its cancellation by calling <label id='cancelphonelistLabel'>&nbsp;</label></span>";

    document.getElementById("mnthlychkdiscoLabel").innerHTML = newHTML;

    document.getElementById("cancelphonelistLabel").innerHTML = cancelPhone; //<--gives the is null error


<label id="mnthlychkdiscoLabel">&nbsp;</label> <---this is where the final data is to be displayed

<label id="cancelphoneLabel">1-800-555-1111</label> <--- this is the phone number pulled from another page,

我不是你想要做的 100%,所以我只是试图让它发挥作用。您可以在其中简化很多事情。如果您可以创建一个jsfiddle来更清楚地显示它,那将会有所帮助。


修复了小提琴,使其工作并显示电话号码: 更新的小提琴


于 2013-05-13T21:51:51.397 回答