This thing works like the below but if set tabstop=55, it does not work: the TAB in insert mod and the TAB in visual-block mode are totally different TABs.

  1. Visual Block Mode (or Visual mode)
  2. Select part of the column and
  3. then press >

I am indenting a large column file -- inserting TABs here-and-there and other trivial changes -- where I need to be able to see things correctly without having different TAB widths.

How can I get TABs to be the same TAB with the same width over different modes?


1 回答 1


您还需要将 shiftwidth 设置为 55。

来自 vim帮助

                                                'shiftwidth' 'sw'
'shiftwidth' 'sw'       number  (default 8)
                        local to buffer
        Number of spaces to use for each step of (auto)indent.  Used for
        'cindent', >>, <<, etc.

所以在你的 vimrc 中添加

set shiftwidth=55
于 2013-05-13T21:50:02.230 回答