我需要整合一个函数(两个变量)。我知道我可以通过使用Fubini 定理来整合一个变量函数,然后使用数值方法,例如Rectangle 方法Trapezoidal rule

但是在C++中是否有任何预构建的函数可以做到这一点?我需要对单位R2三角形进行积分((0,0), (1,0), (0,1))


4 回答 4


您可以使用GNU Scientific Library,它支持许多“数值分析”功能,包括集成。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_integration.h>

double f (double x, void * params) {
  double alpha = *(double *) params;
  return log(alpha*x) / sqrt(x);

main (void)
  double result, error;
  double expected = -4.0;
  double alpha = 1.0;
  gsl_integration_workspace * w 
    = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc (1000);

  gsl_function F;
  F.function = &f;
  F.params = &alpha;

  gsl_integration_qags (&F, 0, 1, 0, 1e-7, 1000,
                        w, &result, &error); 

  printf ("result          = % .18f\n", result);
  printf ("exact result    = % .18f\n", expected);
  printf ("estimated error = % .18f\n", error);
  printf ("actual error    = % .18f\n", result - expected);
  printf ("intervals =  %d\n", w->size);

  gsl_integration_workspace_free (w);

  return 0;
于 2013-05-13T08:39:53.547 回答






struct Quadrature
   //Abstract base class for elementary quadrature algorithms.
   Int n; // Current level of refinement.

   virtual Doub next() = 0;
   //Returns the value of the integral at the nth stage of refinement. 
   //The function next() must be defined in the derived class.


template<class T> 
struct Trapzd: Quadrature
    Doub a, b, s; // Limits of integration and current value of integral.
    T &func;

    Trapzd() { };

    // func is function or functor to be integrated between limits: a and b 
    Trapzd(T &funcc, const Doub aa, const Doub bb)   
        : func(funcc), a(aa), b(bb)
        n = 0;

    // Returns the nth stage of refinement of the extended trapezoidal rule. 
    // On the first call (n = 1), the routine returns the crudest estimate  
    // of integral of f x / dx in [a,b]. Subsequent calls set n=2,3,... and
    // improve the accuracy by adding 2n - 2 additional interior points.
    Doub next()
        Doub x, tnm, sum, del;
        Int it, j;

        if (n == 1)
            return (s = 0.5 * (b-a) * (func(a) + func(b)));
            for (it = 1, j = 1; j < n - 1; j++)
                it <<= 1;
            tnm = it;
            // This is the spacing of the points to be added.          
            del = (b - a) / tnm; 
            x = a + 0.5 * del;

            for (sum = 0.0,j = 0; j < it; j++, x += del)
                sum += func(x);
            // This replaces s by its refined value.  
            s = 0.5 * (s + (b - a) * sum / tnm); 
            return s;


Trapzd结构可以以多种方式使用。最简单粗暴的方法是通过扩展梯形规则集成一个函数,您可以在其中预先知道您想要的步数。如果你愿意2^M + 1,你可以通过片段来完成:

Ftor func;      // Functor func here has no parameters.
Trapzd<Ftor> s(func, a, b);
for(j = 1 ;j <= m + 1; j++) val = s.next();

答案返回为val. 这Ftor是一个包含要集成的函数的函子。



template<class T>
Doub qtrap(T &func, const Doub a, const Doub b, const Doub eps = 1.0e-10)
    // Returns the integral of the function or functor func from a to b. 
    // The constants EPS can be set to the desired fractional accuracy and    
    // JMAX so that 2 to the power JMAX-1 is the maximum allowed number of   
    // steps. Integration is performed by the trapezoidal rule.

    const Int JMAX = 20;
    Doub s, olds = 0.0; // Initial value of olds is arbitrary.

    Trapzd<T> t(func, a, b);

    for (Int j = 0; j < JMAX; j++) 
        s = t.next();

        if (j > 5) // Avoid spurious early convergence.
            if (abs(s - olds) < eps * abs(olds) || (s == 0.0 && olds == 0.0)) 
                return s;
        olds = s;
    throw("Too many steps in routine qtrap");


typedef double Doub;    // 64 - bit floating point
typedef int Int;        // 32 - bit signed integer
于 2015-09-24T22:17:50.903 回答

您可能希望查看 Boost 正交和微分库。特别是,它们提供了梯形规则的一个版本:


Quadrature/Differentiation Library 编写得非常好,并且与现代 C++ 兼容,因为可以只使用 lambda 表达式或函数对象作为被积函数。我很快就开始使用它。

这是一个逼近 pi 的示例,通过逼近 4/(1 + x^2) 的积分,从 x = 0 到 x = 1,将被积函数作为 lambda 表达式。

#include <boost/math/quadrature/trapezoidal.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using boost::math::quadrature::trapezoidal;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

// Put inside a test function:
auto f = [](double x)
    return 4.0 / (1.0 + x * x);

double appPi = trapezoidal(f, 0.0, 1.0);

double tol = 1e-6;
int max_refinements = 20;
double appPi2 = trapezoidal(f, 0.0, 1.0, tol, max_refinements);

cout << "Trapezoid Rule results for computing pi by integration" << endl;
cout << "a) with defaults, and b) with tol and max_refine set : " << endl;
cout << appPi << ", " << appPi2 << endl << endl;



Trapezoid Rule results for computing pi by integration
a) with defaults, and b) with tol and max_refine set :
3.14159, 3.14159
于 2019-03-07T04:50:25.460 回答