我正在为 ebay 的全系列“GetCategorySpecifics”解析一个 500MB 的 XML 文件,并将其存储在本地数据库中。
节点“ MinValues ”为某些行插入不正确,但不是全部。如果结构中不存在此节点,则该值应为 0。我已在代码中进行检查以确保其是否缺失然后设置为 0,但问题仍然存在。
// Define XMLreader
$xml = new XMLReader;
// Loop through file
while ($xml->read()) {
// check this isn't an ending node
if ($xml->nodeType != XMLReader::END_ELEMENT) {
// Its a new category - reset variables and define new ID
if ($xml->name == 'CategoryID') {
$MinValues = 0; $MaxValues = 1; $SelectionMode = '';
// Validate new category ID - if invalid move to next
if ($xml->name == '#text' && $xml->hasValue) {
$CategoryID = trim($xml->value);
if (!is_numeric($CategoryID) || empty($CategoryID) || $CategoryID < 1) {
else {
// It's the Name tag - define Name variable
if ($xml->name == 'Name') {
if ($xml->name == '#text' && $xml->hasValue) {
$Name = mysql_real_escape_string($xml->value);
// It's the MaxValues tag - define MaxValues variable
if ($xml->name == 'MaxValues') {
if ($xml->name == '#text' && $xml->hasValue) {
$MaxValues = mysql_real_escape_string($xml->value);
if (!is_numeric($MaxValues) || empty($MaxnValues) || $MaxValues < 1) {
$MaxValues = 1;
// It's the MinValues tag - define MinValues variable
if ($xml->name == 'MinValues') {
if ($xml->name == '#text' && $xml->hasValue) {
$MinValues = mysql_real_escape_string($xml->value);
if (!is_numeric($MinValues) || empty($MinValues) || $MinValues < 1) {
$MinValues = 0;
// It's the SelectionMode tag - Insert new entry row into DB
if ($xml->name == 'SelectionMode') {
if (($xml->name == '#text') && $xml->hasValue) {
$SelectionMode = mysql_real_escape_string($xml->value);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO entry (entry_id,CategoryID,Name,MaxValues,MinValues,SelectionMode) VALUES ('','$CategoryID','$Name','$MaxValues','$MinValues','$SelectionMode')");
$entry_id = mysql_insert_id();
// It's the Value tag - Insert new values row into DB
if ($xml->name == 'Value') {
if (($xml->name == '#text') && $xml->hasValue) {
$Value = mysql_real_escape_string($xml->value);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO values (value_id,entry_id,CategoryID,Value) VALUES ('','$entry_id','$CategoryID','$Value')");