我正在创建一个 UIWebView,它作为子视图添加到 UIView 但是我无法让 WebView 滚动。任何建议表示赞赏。

- (UIWebView *) mainText
    UIWebView *view = [[UIWebView alloc] init];
    view.layer.borderWidth = 1.0;
    view.frame = CGRectMake(8, 130, 275, 185);
    [view loadHTMLString:@"<font color=\"blue\">Hello Worldcut features is an option we skip the admin site entirely and just have josh do the AP then I cut out all the filters and I can cut out all the we don't need the social aspect on this quite yet l the filters and I can cut out all the we don't need the social aspect on this quite yetl the filters and I can cut out all the we don't need the social aspect on this quite yetl the filters and I can cut out all the we don't need the social aspect on this quite yetl the filters and I can cut out all the we don't need the social aspect on this quite yetl the filters and I can cut out all the we don't need the social aspect on this quite yetl the filters and I can cut out all the  </font>" baseURL:nil];

    return view;

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于 2013-05-09T20:02:40.573 回答