I know that you can use an alias on a column with pivot
, but I'd like to use an alias with unpivot
as well.
select UserId
, ContactMethod
, ContactMethodValue
from Users
unpivot (
ContactMethodValue for ContactMethod in
( HomePhone as [3000]
, OfficePhone as [3001]
, CellPhone as [3002]
, Fax as [3003]
, Website as [3005]
) as unpvt
However I get an error when I do this.
The only way I've been able to accomplish my end goal is to use a case
statement in the select
clause, which isn't pretty.
select UserId
, ( case ContactMethod
when 'HomePhone' then 3000
when 'OfficePhone' then 3001
when 'CellPhone' then 3002
when 'Fax' then 3003
when 'Website' then 3005
end ) as ContactMethod
, ContactMethodValue
from Users
unpivot (
ContactMethodValue for ContactMethod in
( HomePhone
, OfficePhone
, CellPhone
, Fax
, Website
) as unpvt
Is there a better way?